Contributed by: Mike Cooper on Sunday, August 07 2011 @ 07:58 pm UTC
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This weekend, the 13th and 14th August, will see the next Open Days for the Community Archives at the Healthy Living Centre. The Archives will be on display at the Centre from 12 noon until 3pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Come along to the Centre this weekend for a relaxing trawl through the Archives that we have assembled over the last 3 years. We now have over 3,050 images stored in a database with keyword access. The images can be expanded and improved and, with approval, printed.
The Blackdown Archives project has enabled the community to create a database of photos, documents and text protected in digital form so that they can never be lost, mislaid or damaged. With the increase in historical research, family history and community property these images will prove invaluable. A selection of the images have been uploaded to a community web site[*1] As the project progresses more and more of the images will be available on this web site. The project has been supported by the Blackdown Hills AONB and Making it Local.