Contributed by: Neil Punnett on Wednesday, May 02 2018 @ 12:10 pm UTC
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Herewith the minutes of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust's AGM October 2017
Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd
for Annual General Meeting Held on Thursday 12th October 2017
Members Attending:
Heather Stallard (Chair), Neil Punnett (Secretary), Tim Barton, Lesley Barton, Ian Pike, Laurence Mulliner, Janet Mulliner, Bob Hawkes, Katherine Sinclair, Euan Roberts, Richard Kallaway, Bob Pike, Roger Lambert
Members’ Apologies:
Ian McCulloch, Jackie McCulloch, Jocelyn Pritchard, Nigel Moberley, Don Atlee, Yvonne Pike.
1.1 Heather welcomed members to the meeting.
2.1 The minutes were accepted as a true record.
3.1 Heather presented her summary of the past year. During the past year the CLT has:
Next year will be a busy one as we prepare to purchase and manage the eight affordable homes. In addition to inviting applications for the homes and selecting the tenants we will need to prepare all the required documentation such as Tenancy Agreements, Repair & Maintenance Forms, Property Fire & Safety Assessments and so on.
4.1 Following a correction spotted by Ian Pike the Accounts showed an opening balance on 1st April 2016 of £8577. Closing balance on 31st March 2017 was £10543. Tim Barton proposed acceptance of the accounts, Bob Pike seconded and the resolution was passed unanimously.
RESOLVED: The members voted unanimously to approve the accounts for 2016/2017
5.1 Neil P said that the small nature of the accounts made an external audit unnecessary. The CLT can ask members to vote not to have an external audit of the year’s accounts if the turnover is below £100,000. The CLT Rules state:
25.2 The members shall vote annually, as allowed by the Deregulation (Industrial and Provident Societies) Order 1996, at the Annual General Meeting, to have, when necessary in law, or where the membership require, an audit carried out by a registered auditor, or unaudited accounts, where the conditions for such prevail.
25.6 If the membership vote for unaudited accounts, the society’s Income/Expenditure Ledger shall be scrutinised by the secretary and board members only and signed, as a true record, by the secretary and two board members or such other number as may be required by legislation.
5.2 Tim Barton proposed that the Trust forego an external audit and Richard Kallaway seconded.
RESOLVED: The members voted unanimously to forego an external audit.
7.1 Two Directors are required to stand down each year. On this occasion Tim Barton and Neil
Carter have stood down. Both sought re-election and were re-elected unanimously.
RESOLVED: Tim Barton and Neil Carter re-elected as Directors of the Trust
The meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.
Neil Punnett