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301.Longmead Management Group - Notice of AGM
Notice of Annual General Meeting: To be held in the Longmead pavilion at 8pm on Monday 7th June 2010.  All are welcome.
302.Millhayes Hall Hold Up – Again!
Millhayes Hall was previously the Social Club of the St Ivel works in Hemyock. It, together with the vehicle garages, is all that is left of the factory which used to produce Utterly Butterly .
303.Samariton’s Purse Christmas Shoebox Appeal
"It's the best shoebox in the village!" he shouted. The pens and paper meant that the 10 year old would at last be allowed to go to school. Louis's box contained his first ever toy car. His eyes lit up. He was 6 years old and this would probably be ...
304.Scrabble Club
Scrabble Club Is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month
305.Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen
Brian Samuels would like to thank everybody who sponsored my Midnight Madness walk in aid of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen.
306.Making It Local
Making it Local is a five year European Rural Development Programme offering funding to projects in the Blackdown Hills and East Devon area. Decisions are made locally by a Local Action Group.
307.Thank You
From mid June to mid October David Palmer was absent from Lower Mackham Farm and Hemyock, but not forgotten! It seemed I could not go anywhere without people asking after him and arranging to visit, offering me help - from doing shopping, cutting the lawn, baking cakes, rounding up cattle ...
308.Young Farmers Update - August - December 07
Looking back to the beginning of the August saw a very wet and muddy Honiton Show, which many of our members participated at. We had members showing stock, crafts, cookery and our boys pulled Tug-Of-War and even though they didn't take top place, they still managed to appear on Spotlight ...
309.Friends Of St Mary's - Forthcoming Events
Wine Tasting With Supper in the Church Room, Hemyock Friday 10 October at 7.30 pm Sample 8 wines and enjoy a cheese/pate supper
310.Breakthrough Breast Cancer
Julie and Leonard summers are taking part in a 22 mile sponsored walk in the Cotswolds on the 15th and 16th August for Breakthrough Breast Cancer.
311.Computer Course
If you thought chips and bytes were something you got at a café – think again! This year, we’d like to offer a selection of useful computer courses – but we thought we’d ask you, rather that tell you, what the courses are. All the courses are open to any ...
312.Annual Church Meeting
Don't forget that as well as being the Queen's birthday, April 21st is also the day of the Annual Church Meeting for St Mary's. It takes place at 7.45pm and is the time to hear what has been going on in the various church groups over the past year. If ...
313.Val Retires After 10 Years As Sacristan At ...
At the end of the 24th November morning service at St Mary's church, Hemyock Mrs Valerie (Val) White was presented with a beautiful floral bouquet by Jenny Doble, a Churchwarden.Thanking Val for her 10 years service as Sacristan David Bawler, Churchwarden announced that following the retirement of Val the post would ...
314.From Revd Sherwood - December 07
In the spring of this year, the Rectory received a new resident - a Springer Spaniel puppy called Coco. He was born on Easter Day, is now seven months old and keeping us all on our toes. He's a delightful character and a good companion to whoever he happens to ...
315.Thank You
Blackdown Merrymakers would like to thank everyone who attended our final New Years Eve Party and for making it a great success. The draw raised £261 which has been donated to the Help for Heroes Fund.
316.The Just 10p Project
The aim of the Just 10p Project is to raise funds for educational projects in Uganda by inviting people to donate Just 10p. Many of you will know that Brian and Sheila Pretty make regular visits to the Kisoro region of Uganda to help with a variety of projects. The ...
317.70s Style For Hemyock Singers
Hemyock Singers tread the boards once again this autumn with a fast moving and witty production of the musical comedy play 'Crazy Capers Dodgy Deals', written by Chris Goy and Dave Ross.
318.Just A Thought!
Mindful of the current financial climate, The Parish Council has been considering sites which might be used for Allotments. One such area was the ground to the rear of the garages at Millhayes.
319.Scrabble Club
Is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month at 2.30pm at the Back Room of Hemyock Baptist Church. The dates for October and November are as follows: 27.10.09, 24.11.09.
320.St Mary’s Guild - Apr & May 07
Members met as usual in the Church Rooms at 3pm on Wednesday, February 7th. There being very little business of the day, Christine introduced our speaker Brenda Calcraft, who entertained and enlightened us with her knowledge and practical demonstrations of patchwork.
321.Are you interested in a trip to Cardiff?
There is a planned shopping trip to Cardiff on the 1 December leaving Hemyock at 8.45am and departing Cardiff 4.00pm.
322.Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fisherman
Thanks to everybody who sponsored my Midnight Madness walk in aid of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen.
323.Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
On behalf of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal can I say a hugh thank you for raising £1862.48 a staggering £424.19 up on last year. There were over 200 people at this years Remembrance Service with around 20 at the War Memorial on the 11th.
324.Hemyock History Group
At the Meeting in May there was an ongoing display of old local photographs on a digital photo frame............
325.Hemyock History Group News
On Thursday 14th February the Hemyock History Group met at the Church Rooms. Two members of the group, Brian Clist and Chris Dracott, gave a talk on 'List of Inhabitants' over the centuries concentrating on records relating to the Parish of Hemyock.
326.Council Is Energised
The annual Parish meeting on 1st May at the Hemyock Parish Hall is the place to get up-to-date with what is happening in this vibrant rural community.
327.Parish Appraisal
If you still have an uncompleted Parish Appraisal form sitting on the sideboard at home and would like another day or so to complete it, please take it along to the Post Office in Hemyock by 10th February. If you have lost your copy please contact Heather Stallard today on ...
328.Vandalism increase noted
Hemyock has always enjoyed a low crime rate, but of late the number of acts of vandalism and anti-social behaviour are on the increase.
329.Heritage Day Cycle Ride
This years ride will start at St Mary’s Hemyock at 10am Saturday 10th Octoberand take in many of the churches of the Culm Valley.
330.Footballers clear pitch ahead of games
Free roaming dogs are thought to be to blame for the increasing amounts of faeces being found on the village sports complex, especially the football pitch. This represents a health hazard to players and referees are ordering that a clean sweep of the pitch be made before play can commence. ...