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421.Hemyock Lead
Surprise package Hemyock lead the way in the Stones Tennis League despite losing their last match to Bradninch 5-4. Hemyock are five points ahead of second-placed Willand but the two-times champions have a game in hand.
422.Youth Council for Hemyock
A meeting which is hoped will be the pre-curser for the setting up of a Youth Council for Hemyock is to be held next Monday 6th July at the Garages of the old St Ivel factory. The Parish Council have plans to turn the Garages into a Youth Centre and ...
423.It's Open - Every Wednesday
Around 60 people attended an Introduction to Boules event on the Longmead Sports Complex in Hemyock last Saturday evening.
424.Tennis Club News Update
Our summer mixed league has started again with both teams doing well after two rounds. If you'd like to take part contact Rachel: rachel_bussell@hotmail.com Matches are played in the evening and are usually mid-week. "Mini-tennis" (small racquets and soft balls) is being run in conjunction with the Primary School for ...
425.Upper Culm Twinning Association News
Join us as we travel to visit our partner French twinning association “Jumelage des Grées” which has been formed by members from four villages in an area situated near the Loire River not far from Nantes. We will be travelling to France 27th to 31st May and the costs are ...
426.BSG Charity Tennis Tournament
On the afternoon of Sunday 1st July, Hemyock Tennis Club is holding a mixed-doubles tennis tournament for players around the Blackdowns. The idea is to have a sociable afternoon of fairly gentle tennis (+ tea and cakes), and, in the process, to raise some money for the Blackdown Support Group.
427.Hemyock Singers - August & September 2007 Update
Just a reminder for your diaries that Monday 3rd September will see rehearsals start for "Showstoppers" to be performed in mid November by the choral group. The coffee morning in the Forbes Lounge to buy tickets for this will be Saturday 3rd November.
428.Pomp & Ceremony Predicted
When the Upper Culm area formally twins next year with “Les Jumelage des Grees”, the name chosen by four villages for their Twinning Association situated in the far South of Brittany, there will be much pomp and ceremony according to Brian Clist, Chairman of the Upper Culm Twining Association (UCTA).
429.A Great Summer Programme
Hemyock WI had had an interesting Summer programme of events.
430.No Signs Of Hemyock Rust
There were no signs of rust in the Hemyock U9 camp after they beat Brixington United 7-1 in their first game for a month. With Liam Travers and Dean Blake running things, they tore the defence apart to go 4-0 up at half time.
431.Hemyock WI - Update
The first 2008 meeting of Hemyock WI took the form of a celebratory meal at the Half Moon on the occasion of their fourth Birthday. It was disappointing that Daphne, Margaret and Angela were unable to be there due to illness but all who were present agreed it was a ...
432.Thank You
The 1st Hemyock Brownies would like to say a very big "thank you" to members of the Culm Vale Gun Club for their very generous donation of £250 towards our funds. We have not yet decided how to spend the money, but we hope to buy equipment which will benefit ...
433.Hemyock History Group
The next two meetings of the Hemyock History Group will be: 9th October - Brian Clist will be giving a talk on growing up in Hemyock during the war. 13th November - Mr James Bradnock, an accepted expert on Sir John Popham will be giving a talk on the life ...
434.Friends of St Mary's Art Exhibition
The Friends of St Mary's are hoping to hold an Art Exhibition at St. Mary's Church on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 May. If you would be interested in exhibiting some of your work, or would like more information about the event, please contact Patricia Fuller on Tel: 01823 680436
435.Twinning News - March 2007
I would like to thank all those who have offered accommodation to our French Twins who are due to arrive on Thursday 17th. May. If there is any one else who is interested in getting involved in Twinning there is still time to participate in the forthcoming visit. Just to ...
436.Tennis Club - Apr & May 07 - ...
We are hoping to encourage many more people to play tennis on our new courts at the beginning of the new season. Non-members may hire the courts (bookable at the Spar) and we're organising two Coaching Courses, taken by our LTA coach, Doug Scott, at very reasonable rates.
437.Hemyock Singers News - March 2007
At the AGM of Hemyock Singers on Monday, 12th March, there being no other nominations, the present Committee were re-elected en bloc. The Treasurer reported a satisfactory situation, thanks to good ticket sales and donations. However, next year the accounts of the choral and stage groups will be presented separately.
438.Pudding Night
Come and enjoy the Hemyock WI’s Pudding Night in the Forbes Lounge on Tuesday 19 February at 7.30pm
439.Friends of St Mary's
The Friends of St Mary's would like to thank everyone who supported the Open Gardens at Regency House, those that brought along their tractors, those who brought along their classic cars and those who came to look at both gardens and vehicles
440.Hemyock Singers - June & July 2007 Update
It gave us great delight to be able to make a presentation to our Vice President, Joan Lawrence, on her retirement as rehearsal pianist for our choral group. Joan has always gone that extra mile for the Group: she is unstinting in her support and encouragement and her musical knowledge ...
441.Hemyock WI - Apr & May Update
Lynn Taylor, the president welcomed members to the February Meeting in the Forbes Lounge. Arrangements were made for the visit to the show Cats in April at Torquay and names were taken for those able to go to the Observatory at Sidmouth. It was agreed by all who attended, that ...
442.Update on Vladimir
There will be a number of people who will remember that we are friends with a family in Romania and may recall that the family's eldest son, Vladimir, holidayed with us for a month a number of years ago. Vladimir is reading architecture at a university in Bucharest. He recently ...
443.Friends of St Mary's - Safari Supper
The Friends of St Mary's are holding a Safari Supper on Saturday 6th June - starters at one house, main course at another, dessert at another. 3 courses plus wine and coffee all for £12.00 a head. Spaces are limited, so we recommend you book early. To make your reservation, ...
444.Friends of St Mary's - December 07
Plans are well ahead for the Festival of Trees in Advent. All the places have been taken up and the trees have been ordered. Decorators are searching through their attics and cupboards to find suitable decorations for their trees. Staging will take place on the afternoon of Thursday, 13 December ...
445.Hemyock WI - News Update
At the September Meeting Lyn Taylor welcomed fellow members after the summer break. Unfortunately the August Garden Party was cancelled due to persistent rain. Lyn said the exhibit at the Mid Devon Show did quite well as it came 5th. Individual exhibits which did particularly well were the card with ...
446.Romance à la Francaise!
A romantic French style dinner for valentine lovers will take place in Hemyock Parish Hall on Saturday 16th February.
447.French Hospitality is Free
With its own language, traditions, folklore, colourful festivals and pageants, and a people who are extremely proud of their culture, Brittany is a fascinating region to visit says Mike Eastick.
448.Concert at St Mary's Church
Next month sees the return to Hemyock of two popular performers in a concert at the parish church based on a theme of love.
449.Friends of St Mary’s - Apr & May ...
The Friends of St Mary's met in the Church rooms on Tuesday January 16th.
450.Friends of St Mary's Church - February 08
On behalf of the Friends of St Mary's Church a big thank you to everybody who supported the Festival of Trees in Advent. In spite of the very cold weather the attendance was very good over the three days and people were able to still enjoy the spectacle over the ...