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1.Parish Pump magazine
Unfortunately the last page of the Around Hemyock item is missing from the Aug/Sept.issue of the Parish Pump so for your delight here it is! We remember all those known to us who are unwell think very especially of Dr Mark Couldrick By the time this issue has been distribte, ...
2.Rev. David Sherwood at Ashburton
A party of parishoners from the Upper Culm Valley travelled to Ashburton on 2nd February for the Licensing Service of Revd David Sherwood as Priest in Charge of the Ashburton and Moorland Team of churches. The villagers received a very warm welcome to the church of St Andew where there ...
3.Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Just a reminder that if anyone is considering donating a shoebox to the Christmas appeal from Christian Response to Eastern Europe it needs to be with Janice & David, 4 South View by Sunday 6th November. Any queries please contact jbawler1947@hotmail.co.uk or 07773579809
4.Craft Fair
A Craft Fair will be held at the Parish Hall on Saturday 12th March from 10am - 4pm Refreshments will be on sale throughout the day. There are still a couple of spaces available - please contact Patricia on 01823 680436 if interested in taking one
5.Parish Pump
Due to someone leaving the area a new distributor of the Parish Pump will be needed from October to cover High Street/Fore Street. If you feel this is something you can help with please contact me on 07773579809 asap. Many thanks, David
6.St Mary's Church
A glorious afternoon spent at Hemyock Parish church for a service of thanksgiving when a new oak/glazed porch door,wooden churchyard seats and trumpet organ stop were dedicated by the Bishop of Crediton. Cream teas were served after the service. Many past church members and church friends had travelled from as ...
7.Poppy collectors
Hemyock needs more collectors for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. Are you able to help?  Please contact David on 07773579809  asap
By early evening tonight (Thurs) the parish church had again been partially flooded as water seeped in past the barriers erected yesterday. Extra barriers have now been put in place and a few folk have worked hard baling out the water in the porch - thanks to them
9.Cream tea
Friends of St Mary's are holding a cream tea tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at Golden Orchard, Castle Hill
10.Coffee Morning
I'm a 17 year old who will be holding a coffee morning at 4 South View on Saturday (27/02) from 10 -12 noon to raise funds to cover my expenses to gain my Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award and attend Hemyock/Danish Scout camp.. There will be a bring & buy ...
11.The Organ Builder Entertains
On Sunday 3rd July  the Friends of St Mary's will welcome Michael Farley to the Parish church for an afternoons entertainment when he will play and explain some of the workings of the church organ. There is no admission charge but a retiring collection.  Tea and cake will be available  ...
12.Mary Waldron Trust
This fund can assist students in higher and further education (including Richard Huish College) with purchases of books and equipment, including computer requisites. Those applying should normally be resident in Hemyock or Clayhidon and must have received full time education at one or more of:
This coming Sunday July 5th - 10.30a.m. bring your favourite toy to St Mary's church for a short service to include songs, craft, refreshments and to help look for the missing sheep - whatever your age do join us ......... and don't forget your toy!
14.Book Sale
Calling all book lovers. Please support 1st Hemyock Scout Group  who are holding                         A Book Sale in the Forbes Lounge,Parish Hall on                               Saturday 11th March from 10-12noon 
15.Hemyock Scout group and Brownies
For many years Hemyock youth uniformed groups have travelled to Tiverton for the District St George's Day Parade and Service but this years they have decided to hold this very special service at St Mary's. The parade of Scouts, Cubs and Brownies will be leaving the Parish Hall at 11am ...
16.April 23rd news
April 23rd
17.Carol Service
TONIGHT - 7pm - St Mary's Church carol service. Come and sing well loved carols, hear Christmas readings and listen to the choir sing some wonderful music
18.Hemyock Singers
Rehearsals for Hemyock Singers December concert start on Monday 14th September, 7.30pm at the Baptist Chapel.  All welcome - no auditions.  Why not simply turn up and see if it is  your type of thing.  Watch out for details of coffee morning when tickets for concert and meal will be on ...
19.Christmas at the Parish Church
Whatever your age there will be a service at St Mary's suitable for you during this festive season and all are welcome. Christmas Eve at 5pm sees the village Crib Service . This is a short joyful service especially suitable for families. At 11.15pm there will be the traditional Midnight ...
20.Flooding at St Mary's
Due to the parish church being flooded on Wednesday the 11.15a.m. service on Sunday 25th November will be held in the Church Room. Thanks are extended to all those who helped clear the debris blockage and erect the porch barrier in the morning and to the small army of volunteers ...
21.Palm Sunday
Donkeys will lead the procession through the village this coming Sunday leaving the Parish Hall at 10.30am to walk to the Parish Church for the Palm Sunday service . All are invited to join. The service will include a dramatised reading. .
22.Christmas Fair
This Saturday, 4th December, 2.30pm, St Mary's Parish Church Christmas Fair at the Parish Hall. To be opened by Rev David Sherwood. Stalls, mulled wine, raffles, refreshments.
This Saturday (11) the annual church fete and Scout open afternoon will be held at the Recreation Field ( next to Parish Hall) from 2-5pm The event will be opened by DR. DONALD McLINTOCK Stalls, teas, bouncy castle,bar, face painting, BBQ and lots of Scouting activities on offer - something ...
24.Sunday 13th September
Friends of St Mary's will be organising the annual Heritage Sunday display at the parish church next Sunday afternoon based on WW2. As always delicious refreshments will be available  Hemyock Castle will also be open.  Anyone with any WW2 memorabillia they would be happy to donate to the exhibition is ...
25.Puddings Evening
If such delights as fruit tarts and crumbles, tiramasu and trifle, fruit fools and similar desserts are foods you enjoy then the Church Room on Friday 24th February is the place to be.  Starting at 7pm and for a small fee of £5 you are invited to try as many of ...
St Mary's need to raise around £40,000 to to install a toilet and carry out various other work at the parish church. You may have noticed that there are 3 flowering loo pans outside of the church and these have now been photographed and the picture turned into a postcard. ...
27.St Mary's Summer Fete
28.Christmas Shoeboxes
Just a reminder that if you are filling a shoebox full of goodies to be taken to Moldova by Christian Response to Easterm Europe for Christmas it needs to be at 4 South View by Nov 9th. Please leave n back porch if no one at home. Many thanks.
29.St Mary's Church
This Sunday, 10th May the church will celebrate Rogation. Starting at the earlier time of 10.30am the service will include hymns, readings and prayers as the congregation walk around the perimiter of the building and along St Catherine's stream. A special informal afternoon service will take place on Sunday 17th ...
30.Fred and Jonah
Fred Bear was delighted to attend the monthly Family Service at St Mary's Church with his friend Rev John Stone. Fred took great delight in meeting his many relatives and other cuddly friends who had brought along their humans to enjoy the day. One of Fred's oldest and smallest relatives ...