Mobile ‘not spots’ may leave people vulnerable when landlines are switched off
Mid Devon’s resilience officer is looking to understand where local communities have “not spots” before phones go fully digital and if community support may be needed. If you know of any areas in the parish where lack of mobile phone coverage could cause an issue for public safety (e.g. contacting emergency services), Mid Devon Council are asking you to report it. This is because when using a 999 emergency call, if there is any mobile service it will redirect you through the nearest signal tower regardless of provider. Because of this, even when it seems you do not have signal, you can still ring the emergency services. However if there are places that have no signal from any provider, that may be a ‘not spot’ and we may need to raise concern and awareness of the support needed for vulnerable people. Further information: Local BT Digital Voice events in the South West | Neighbourhood Watch Network ( or contact MDDC about emergency planning in your community.