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Parish Council Minutes - Jan & Feb 2006

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Archived Stories Matters Arising & Public Question Time

The new pavement in Fore Street is finished and looks good.

School crossing points are being constructed at various places around the village - funded from the “Safe Routes to School” budget.

Cemetery shed and railings are in need of repair and redecoration. Mr Hart to prepare a specification of the work required. All three tennis courts at Longmead are being well used.

Litter Pickers group reported that a replacement litter bin is required on bridge opposite Hemyock Motors and that another litter pick is to be carried out on paths around the village in April.

Re speeding problem through Symonsburrow, the unauthorised traffic signs had been removed by Police and Highways. However, the speed camera sign had slowed the traffic down. Mr Thorne from Symonsburrow requested an official camera sign for the village.

Problem over vehicles parked around Post Office on Mondays belonging to people having lunch at the Baptist Church – bad for Post Office trade.

Neroche Landscape Partnership Project

Gavin Saunders, the Neroche project manager, spoke to the March meeting about this project covering 35 square miles on the northern scarp of the Blackdown Hills. The work is to include some felling of conifers to be replaced with broadleaf trees, grazing of certain areas to encourage native plant species and establishing circular routes for walkers.

County Council Report

Problem of setting budget for 2006/07.  County do not want to cut services so are looking to make savings elsewhere. The library budget is being cut and some employment positions will not be filled when a position becomes vacant. Highways have an increased budget but that will target big towns where congestion is particularly bad.

Free school transport will now be available where a child lives over 2 miles from their school (previously 3 miles).

Viridor want to expand the Broadpath tip. District Council had not initially been consulted. A meeting was held in February to hear Uffculme’s complaints.

District Council Report – Frank Rosamond

Re transfer of housing stock to a Housing Association – council tenants voted to keep the status quo and remain with the Council.

Mid Devon is to host the Youth Games in July.

Council Tax has been fixed for 2006/07 with a 4% increase. District has to make some changes to balance the budget.

Longmead Field

Longmead Management Committee has been successful in its bid to DEFRA for £46,000 towards the children’s play area.

Plans for the Pavilion are now being finalised for the bid for matched funding from the Football Association.

April 1st and 8th have been suggested as Community Planting days for Longmead.

Millhayes Hall

Negotiations with Bloors had appeared to be nearing completion when Bloors stated that the Parish Council would have to take on responsibility for putting in the pavement across the floodplain. The original 106 agreement stated Bloors responsibility was to put in the money for the pavement and County Council would carry out the work. The Parish Council is not prepared to take this on – the solicitors are at present sorting this out.

Mrs Stallard has applied for a grant for the Hall of £100,000 from the Regional Rural Development Association. No news yet.

Mr Rosamond has secured a grant of £500 to be spent on IT equipment.

Millhayes Bridge

Bussells to carry out the pile work for the new footbridge and hope to do the work when the road is closed for resurfacing provided water levels are not too high.

Two quotes to be obtained for the bridge which will come in kit form.

The bridge will not be able to be put up until the pavement into the village has been built.

Planning Matters

Applications approved by MDDC Planning Dept:

58 Station Road

Bodhams Farm

17 Logan Way

Barn Owl Cottage

Bloor Homes (Hall Engineering Site)

Hemyock Parish Council - Longmead Field

Plans Inspected by Parish Council

Scotland Farm – change of use from agricultural building to use for storage & distribution of parts for agricultural vehicles.

6 Station - erection of conservatory & porch.

Elmdene, Lower Millhayes – erection of extension

Windward Edge – erection of 2 storey extension.

36 Station Road – erection of 2 storey extension.

Park View, Withy Lane – single storey extension

Lyndale, Tedburrow Lane – extension & replacement garage.

After inspection of plans Parish Council recommended approval.

Calf Sculpture

It has been suggested that a sculpture of a calf be erected on the St Ivel site as a reminder that this is where today’s Young Farmers Club started.

Mrs Stallard has met with a sculptor who said it would need to be made of bronze on a stone plinth with a plaque. Funding to be looked into.

Annual Parish Meeting

New style village meeting on Saturday, 25th March 2.30 to 4.30 for groups, clubs & societies to have a display and councillors on hand to chat to people. It is hoped that this more interactive annual meeting would benefit many of the village groups.