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Parish Council Minutes - Mar & Apr 2006

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Archived Stories Elections

Mrs Stallard was re-elected as Chairman and Mr McCulloch as Vice Chairman. Other Parish Councillors were voted onto the various sub-committees. Waste Management

Two Waste Awareness Officers gave a lively and informative presentation to the meeting about waste management and recycling in Mid Devon.


PC Purkiss gave a report for the last calendar year for Hemyock and surrounds. Generally the level of crime in the area is low with a fair number of the reported crimes arising in the 3 to 4 care homes run by Sedgemoor. These tended to be in-house incidents (e.g. assaults on staff) and not affecting the wider community apart from taking up a lot of police time. PC Purkiss praised the youngsters in the village as well as the community spirit which helped keep crime levels down.

Matters Arising & Public Question Time

There is much concern in the village about the proposed Kart Track plans for Dunkeswell and the effect of the extra traffic. Further letter to be written to Mid Devon on the subject.

The Council wishes to go ahead and erect the footbridge over the Culm even though the pavement to connect to the village will not be built yet. The bridge will have to be a little further downstream and therefore longer because the water pipe running alongside the bridge cannot be moved as it has recently been found to carry mains water. That area is a mess at present with the ugly block wall around the gas tank. Mrs Stallard had understood that that the wall was to be stone faced. Mr Rosamund to try to find out.

A Small piece of land at Eastmead that Hastoe Housing Assoc has asked the Parish Council to buy and take responsibility for. After discussion, Council decided they were not prepared to take it on.

Problems reported

Kerb on crossing point in Station Rd (Wyndham House) very prominent and sharp, also large pot holes on the road. near this point.

Plastic rubbish in verges at Symonsburrow – now cleared up.

Dogs roaming around Longmead Field – Dog Warden asked to visit.

Children cycling through newly planted shrubs at Longmead apologised when Mr Lowman spoke to them.

County Council Report

The budget has been set at a 4.9% increase.

Speed signs had been put temporarily at Symonsburrow to monitor traffic speeds.

Every ward in the county has been allocated £1000 which could be used for matched funding for local organisations.

District Council Report – Frank Rosamond

Mr Eddie Dennis has been elected as Leader of the District Council and Mr David Pugsley as Chairman.

District Council’s Corporate Plan is to be reviewed with fewer targets.

Buddafield and Tribe of Doris Festivals – Clayhidon residents do not want these festivals for another year. Hemyock Parish Council has not been consulted on the matter this year. Decided to send a letter to Mid Devon supporting Clayhidon’s views and stating that if they do go ahead, noise levels must be adhered to.

Longmead Field

After 2 planting days 700 plants have been put in and mulch spread around them. Donations gratefully received towards the plant costs from Mr Simpson of Hemyock and £500 from the Gun Club.

Play area fencing to be started early May.

Re funding bid from the Football Foundation – no news likely for several weeks yet.

New tennis courts to be officially opened on 4th June.

Millhayes Hall and BMX Track

Still waiting to hear when Parish Council is to take over Millhayes Hall.

As soon as hall is handed over an access audit has to be carried out.

Complaints have been raised about litter & general rubbish on BMX site. Mr Steel had talked to the youngsters using the site who agreed to tidy up the area and promised not to light any more bonfires. Problems had been caused by some lads from Tiverton who had been camping there. Litter bin to be purchased for the BMX track and dog bins for grass by Millhayes Hall and corner by Dobles Garage.

Planning Matters

Applications approved by M.D.D.C. Planning Dept:

Dobles Garage site in Station Road.

Parkview, Withy Lane

Windward Edge.

Millhayes Farm.

36 Station Road, Hemyock.

6 Station Road.

Elmdene, Millhayes.

Bridge House, Cornhill, Hemyock.

Plans Inspected by Parish Council

Great Symonsburrow Farm– erection of agricultural livestock shed.

Leat Cottage, Millhayes (Station Rd) erection of extension.

Woodlands, Castle Hill – erection of garage and stables.

Baptist Church – use of land at rear of church for temporary classroom.

(Certain members of the Council declared an interest in some of the planning applications and took no part in the discussions).

After inspection of plans Parish Council recommended approval.

It was noted that the Parish Council’s own application for the erection of a Sports Pavilion with changing rooms, meeting rooms and loos on the Longmead site has been submitted to Mid Devon for consideration.


Two tenders for repair and repainting of shed and railings at cemetery were opened at the May meeting. Mr Hart & Mr Edwards to review tenders carefully and decide which to accept.

Annual Parish Meeting

New style village meeting on 25th March was held to be a great success

Mrs Stallard thanked all involved for their hard work. Mrs Stallard was in turn thanked for her efforts in bringing the whole event together.

Chairman’s Business

Mrs Stallard reported that Hemyock would receive £25,000 to spend on pavements. The most important section was felt to be the continuation of the pavement by Spar.

Other reports of problems:

Road sign still missing from end of Hollingarth Way

South View to be resurfaced.

Ashculm Lane is in an atrocious condition.