Parish Council Minutes - Jul & Aug 2006
- Wednesday, August 30 2006 @ 08:22 am UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,957
Public Question Time
The following matters were raised before the meeting by members of the public attending:
At Longmead: sewer problem, car parked over manhole cover in car park for months last winter, slow progress over childrens play area. (Mr Lowman). Disgusting state of Hemyock public toilets (Mr Gubb)
Planning Application re Go-Kart track at Dunkeswell (Mr & Mrs Palmer).
Matters Arising
New footbridge over river on order but will not be able to be used until pavement in place. County Councillor Mr Radford to follow this up.
Bloors have finally responded to the threat of legal action by Mid Devon DC and faced the concrete blocks around the gas tanks at Millhayes and erected new fencing. Now much improved.
Mr Steel finding out who has responsibility for the weed problem around the Millhayes flats and who should be maintaining Station Yard.
Devon CC use herbicide weed killer Glysophate for kerbside weed control. Considered the most cost effective and does not stay in the ground.
SW Water to contact residents at Longmead re trimming of leylandi trees around sewage works.
District Council Report
MDDC budget shortfall now risen to £700,000. The anticipated savings of expenditure have not materialised and there has been huge take up of free bus passes while revenue from parking has dropped significantly due to free parking in Tescos car park at Tiverton. However, District Council is determined to maintain services.
No further progress re dog and litter bin enquiries due to long term sick leave of relevant official at Mid Devon. Mr Rosamond to follow up.
Chair of District Council David Pugsley to host a reception on Oct 24th at Culmstock .He is seeking nominations of local people who have made a contribution to the local community or received an award to attend.
Mr Rosamond to follow up claim to recover cost of repairing Parish Council notice board damaged by bin men.
Mr Rosamond to find out what is happening about South View road. Some patching has been carried out but surface still very poor. Parish Council and residents have written several times. Photos of the road condition to be passed to Mid Devon.
County Council Report
Reorganisation of County Highways offices - eight local offices to be reduced to three. Work to be concentrated in Exeter. Office in Broad Lane, Tiverton will close. Parish Lengthsman will still visit the village and a portacabin to be kept at Tiverton as a base.
Symonsburrow speed monitoring - still waiting for this to go ahead.
Mr Radford enquired about Hemyock Parish Council's view regarding the Dunkeswell Go-Kart track planning application. Hemyock PC had responded some time ago to East Devon District Council expressing concern over extra traffic through village and potential noise issues.
Longmead Field
Still waiting for a response to funding bid from Football Foundation.
Management Committee has put together a list of maintenance works. The Football Foundation will want to see what has been carried out to date in this regard. Maintenance costs expected to be £5000 per annum.
Football Clubs want to start using the pitches this winter. Senior Club has applied for grant for new football posts and nets.
Childrens Play area unfortunately not finished in time for use during this summer.Grass seed has to be sown and established before rubber matting can be laid down.
Two weeding parties held to clear area of planted shrubs. Residents have also been regularly working on the weeds.
Sewage problem discussed again. Parishioner Mr Lowman said that when Hollingarth was built the storm overflow pipes were connected into the sewage system which could be the cause of the sewage overflow in times of heavy rain. SW Water to be given Mr Lowman as a contact.
Millhayes Hall
Mr Steel reported huge progress already:-
Working weekend in July a great success. It was discovered that the fire had not damaged the electrics.
Heating survey has been carried out. There is a good chance that the system will fire up again and be put to work at very little cost.
Thanks to Mr Calcraft for clearing the garden, Mr Brooke for lending scaffolding towers, Mr Eastick for security work, Mrs Butt for acquiring a piano, Mr Steed & helpers for erecting partition. A big thank you to all volunteers.
Quotes obtained re sorting out trees and replacing broken double glazed windows.
Plasterer needed to do skimming work in hall. Mr Hart to see what needs to be done.
Access audit has been carried out. Report available soon.
Set of skittles is required. New sets cost approx £600. Enquiries about
second hand sets to be made.
Mrs J Steed may be willing to take on secretarial work for H.E.L.P.
The planned opening date with basic facilities is 1st May 2007.
Planning Matters
Applications approved by MDDC Planning Dept
- Mr & Mrs Root - 35 Parklands
- West Of England Developments - High St, Hemyock (NGR 313543 113106)
- Hemyock Primary School - mobile classroom
- Mr J Dripps - Leat Cottage
Plans Inspected by Parish Council
- Land & buildings at NGR 312988 112337 Hemyock - conversion of linhay toholiday unit.
- Outline permission sought for erection of dwelling at Sunnymead, Culmbridge Road.
- Renewal of permission for change of use from agricultural to equestrian cross country course at land adjoining Dunkeswell Airfield.
Parish Council recommended approval of above but with the proviso that the equestrian use did not cause an increase in traffic through Hemyock.
Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005
The possibility of P.Council issuing fixed penalty notices for littering, graffiti, flyposting offences and dog control orders was discussed at length. Generally felt it would be too costly to pursue these matters fully - ie taking parishioners to court. Considered not the best use of Parish Council precept. Not to be pursued for the time being.
Moles now eradicated.
Work completed on the railings and shed at northern end. Much tidier now but still waiting to have rubbish tip cleared.
Concern over Parish Bier stored in shed. Tiverton Museum already have one bier so unlikely to want a second. Possibility that Hemyock Parish Church might be interested to have it.t trees and replacing broken double glazed windows.
The following matters were raised before the meeting by members of the public attending:
At Longmead: sewer problem, car parked over manhole cover in car park for months last winter, slow progress over childrens play area. (Mr Lowman). Disgusting state of Hemyock public toilets (Mr Gubb)
Planning Application re Go-Kart track at Dunkeswell (Mr & Mrs Palmer).
Matters Arising
New footbridge over river on order but will not be able to be used until pavement in place. County Councillor Mr Radford to follow this up.
Bloors have finally responded to the threat of legal action by Mid Devon DC and faced the concrete blocks around the gas tanks at Millhayes and erected new fencing. Now much improved.
Mr Steel finding out who has responsibility for the weed problem around the Millhayes flats and who should be maintaining Station Yard.
Devon CC use herbicide weed killer Glysophate for kerbside weed control. Considered the most cost effective and does not stay in the ground.
SW Water to contact residents at Longmead re trimming of leylandi trees around sewage works.
District Council Report
MDDC budget shortfall now risen to £700,000. The anticipated savings of expenditure have not materialised and there has been huge take up of free bus passes while revenue from parking has dropped significantly due to free parking in Tescos car park at Tiverton. However, District Council is determined to maintain services.
No further progress re dog and litter bin enquiries due to long term sick leave of relevant official at Mid Devon. Mr Rosamond to follow up.
Chair of District Council David Pugsley to host a reception on Oct 24th at Culmstock .He is seeking nominations of local people who have made a contribution to the local community or received an award to attend.
Mr Rosamond to follow up claim to recover cost of repairing Parish Council notice board damaged by bin men.
Mr Rosamond to find out what is happening about South View road. Some patching has been carried out but surface still very poor. Parish Council and residents have written several times. Photos of the road condition to be passed to Mid Devon.
County Council Report
Reorganisation of County Highways offices - eight local offices to be reduced to three. Work to be concentrated in Exeter. Office in Broad Lane, Tiverton will close. Parish Lengthsman will still visit the village and a portacabin to be kept at Tiverton as a base.
Symonsburrow speed monitoring - still waiting for this to go ahead.
Mr Radford enquired about Hemyock Parish Council's view regarding the Dunkeswell Go-Kart track planning application. Hemyock PC had responded some time ago to East Devon District Council expressing concern over extra traffic through village and potential noise issues.
Longmead Field
Still waiting for a response to funding bid from Football Foundation.
Management Committee has put together a list of maintenance works. The Football Foundation will want to see what has been carried out to date in this regard. Maintenance costs expected to be £5000 per annum.
Football Clubs want to start using the pitches this winter. Senior Club has applied for grant for new football posts and nets.
Childrens Play area unfortunately not finished in time for use during this summer.Grass seed has to be sown and established before rubber matting can be laid down.
Two weeding parties held to clear area of planted shrubs. Residents have also been regularly working on the weeds.
Sewage problem discussed again. Parishioner Mr Lowman said that when Hollingarth was built the storm overflow pipes were connected into the sewage system which could be the cause of the sewage overflow in times of heavy rain. SW Water to be given Mr Lowman as a contact.
Millhayes Hall
Mr Steel reported huge progress already:-
Working weekend in July a great success. It was discovered that the fire had not damaged the electrics.
Heating survey has been carried out. There is a good chance that the system will fire up again and be put to work at very little cost.
Thanks to Mr Calcraft for clearing the garden, Mr Brooke for lending scaffolding towers, Mr Eastick for security work, Mrs Butt for acquiring a piano, Mr Steed & helpers for erecting partition. A big thank you to all volunteers.
Quotes obtained re sorting out trees and replacing broken double glazed windows.
Plasterer needed to do skimming work in hall. Mr Hart to see what needs to be done.
Access audit has been carried out. Report available soon.
Set of skittles is required. New sets cost approx £600. Enquiries about
second hand sets to be made.
Mrs J Steed may be willing to take on secretarial work for H.E.L.P.
The planned opening date with basic facilities is 1st May 2007.
Planning Matters
Applications approved by MDDC Planning Dept
- Mr & Mrs Root - 35 Parklands
- West Of England Developments - High St, Hemyock (NGR 313543 113106)
- Hemyock Primary School - mobile classroom
- Mr J Dripps - Leat Cottage
Plans Inspected by Parish Council
- Land & buildings at NGR 312988 112337 Hemyock - conversion of linhay toholiday unit.
- Outline permission sought for erection of dwelling at Sunnymead, Culmbridge Road.
- Renewal of permission for change of use from agricultural to equestrian cross country course at land adjoining Dunkeswell Airfield.
Parish Council recommended approval of above but with the proviso that the equestrian use did not cause an increase in traffic through Hemyock.
Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005
The possibility of P.Council issuing fixed penalty notices for littering, graffiti, flyposting offences and dog control orders was discussed at length. Generally felt it would be too costly to pursue these matters fully - ie taking parishioners to court. Considered not the best use of Parish Council precept. Not to be pursued for the time being.
Moles now eradicated.
Work completed on the railings and shed at northern end. Much tidier now but still waiting to have rubbish tip cleared.
Concern over Parish Bier stored in shed. Tiverton Museum already have one bier so unlikely to want a second. Possibility that Hemyock Parish Church might be interested to have it.t trees and replacing broken double glazed windows.