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Parish Council Minutes - April & May 2007

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Archived Stories 4th April, 2nd & 9th May 2007

Matters Arising

- Re speeding at Symonsburrow, a local resident has obtained the cost of a flashing speed reminder sign £1500 plus £250 to erect. Details to be passed to County Council. Police are to carry out a further speed survey there. - Annual Parish Meeting on 19th April in Parish Hall felt to have been successful and with reasonable turnout. Thanks to Mrs Stallard for organising the refreshments.

- Mrs Stallard has received assurance from Mr Wigley (County Highways) that the pavement below Spar will still go ahead even though 31st March deadline has passed.

- Parish Council to challenge comments made by Mr Guscott at Annual Parish Meeting that some barns may be allowed to fall into disrepair as current policy will be to deny barn conversions where purely for residential use.

- Concern expressed over further development in Hemyock which is putting strain on already overstretched services eg sewage and roads and lack of available spaces in local school. Council to write to County Highways, Devon Education Dept and South West Water expressing concern.

District Council Report

- Resurfacing work at South View is on MDDC priority list for 2007/08 but will depend on approval of capital budget.

- District Council is now reconsidering its Capital Programme after last MDDC meeting dominated by Culmstock campaign to prevent District selling off a piece of amenity land for building.

- Concern over release from prison of Hemyock parishioner. Police have advised he will not be returning to Hemyock.

- Concern over garden in Eastlands with 6 dogs which have been causing a nuisance.

County Council Report

- Concern over future of County Council services if Exeter becomes a unitary authority. Exeter's bid to become unitary has gone through to the next stage. Parish Council discussed this issue and felt that the loss of income if Exeter is removed from Devon County Council will be detrimental to the provision of services in what will be the remaining part. Parish Council to respond expressing its disquiet over this issue.

- Mr Radford has been contacted by residents of Culmstock Rd, Hemyock requesting a flashing road sign for vehicles exceeding the 20 miles per hour limit. Parish Council in favour.

- Concern expressed over number of large lorries passing through village.  Councillors would like signs banning such vehicles except for access.

Longmead Field

- Mr Brendan Kingston has been selected to build the pavilion from the tendering process. Work to start very soon.

- Work on the MUGA should begin in June.

- Second attempt to drill a bore hole was successful and there is plenty of water to run the heat pump in the pavilion.

- New sign has been made by the entrance to the playpark.

- Windows have been broken in the temporary portacabin. The perpetrators have come forward and apologised and the parents are paying for the replacement glass.

- The bid for funding the Trim Trail has been unsuccessful.

Millhayes Hall

- Initial response from lottery re bid for funding Millhayes refurbishment will not be made before June.

- Work on the funding bid to Rural Renaissance is progressing.

- Local business CPL have chairs & tables which will be ideal for Millhayes Hall.

Planning Matters

Applications approved by MDDC Planning Dept:

Gray's Hill, Cheritons Culmstock Rd, 45 Parklands, Culmbridge Farm, Oakside Culmstock Rd, Velo Cottage Ashculm Hill, Syrona Withy Lane.

Plans Inspected by Parish Council:

- Extension at 29 Parklands

- Conversion of redundant garages at Lower Millhayes into day centre for the elderly.

- Erection of livestock building, maize pit & silage pit plus new vehicular access at Westhayes Farm, Hemyock.

- Barn conversions & workshops at Shuttleton Farm, Castle Hill. (Councillors attended a site meeting to consider this application)

After due consideration, Council recommended approval of the above but suggested an alternative access route to Westhayes Farm to avoid destruction of a large section of traditional high Devon bank.

Hemyock Emergency Plan

Draft of new plan presented to the Council and approved. It has been approved also by MDDC Emergency Officer who is prepared to print it.

Plan to be launched in the autumn. 50 emergency blankets will be purchased and it is thought that some parishioners might like to buy their own blanket to keep for personal emergency use. A number will be stored at the Surgery for Parish use.

Co-option of Councillor

As only nine people stood for the Parish Council out of ten seats no election was necessary. However, the remaining seat has to be filled within 35 days so posters put up on village notice boards asking anyone interested to write to the clerk saying briefly what they could bring to the Council. Decision to be made at June meeting.

Chairmans Business

Mrs Stallard has spent a lot of time trying to sort out the problem with the new pavement and the narrow road section at Millhayes and the problem of large vehicles being unable to pass each other. Devon County classes the Culmstock Rd as the main access route into the village. The road up Penn Cross Hill is treated as unclassified and the new dimensions of the road at the bottom of the
hill are regarded as adequate for an unclassified road. It was decided to write to chairman of Devon County Council and copied to Angela Browning MP and Edward Chorlton at County Council.

Footbridge over river at Millhayes needs to be put in place as soon as possible so that the pavement to the north can be joined up to it. Once in place, the Council can then put pressure on Devon County to construct the pavement across the flood plain to join up with the village.