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More Houses?

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Despite the assurances given by Mr Guscott, the Mid Devon District Council’s Chief Planning Officer, that there would be no more developments in Hemyock for 10-15 years, it was revealed by Frank Rosamond, the MDCC elected Member covering this area on the MDDC that MDDC has to consider some possible suitable sites for affordable housing within the District that might be required up to 2026.

These would not be for “open market” housing but for social housing as required by housing needs surveys. Two sites in Hemyock for housing and a third for light industrial units have been highlighted.

These are the green field next to Logan Way on the Culmstock Road, the green field site north of East Mead on the South East of the village, and north of the old telephone exchange, a brown-field site.
It appears that Mr Guscott meant that there would be no more development of market-price houses, and these proposals are in a very daft form at present. The full proposal is on the MDCC website here.  Full and individual consultation is available as outlined in the documents. You are encouraged to comment.