From Revd Sherwood - August & September 07
- Monday, July 23 2007 @ 12:22 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,231

Walking down a country lane, filled with natures song
Sitting on a cliff top, watching waves just roll along.
Candles softly flickering with a single, simple glow
Natural scented oils for when we're feeling low.
Amidst the bustle of our race are places touched by peace
With God we find the inward calm, which storms of life can't cease
Sitting on a cliff top, watching waves just roll along.
Candles softly flickering with a single, simple glow
Natural scented oils for when we're feeling low.
Amidst the bustle of our race are places touched by peace
With God we find the inward calm, which storms of life can't cease
Rest is important to us all. Most of us reach a peak of busyness where we function at our best but if we go beyond that point and start doing too much, then our performance starts to deteriorate as tiredness creeps in. It's then that we become irritable and are not good company. So making time for ourselves to relax and recharge our batteries is as important as all the other demanding aspects of our lives.
Jesus recognised the need for rest and refreshment and often took himself off to quiet places away from the crowds, taking the time to stop and stare, to 'tune out' of life's worries, to enjoy the beauty of our natural environment and to spend a little time with God. He also recognised the need to spend time relaxing together, to join with friends, eating and drinking together and to share in the celebrations of life such as weddings and birthdays.
We are now in the holiday season and know that many of you will be trying to get away, especially from the poor weather we have had through June and July. If you are going away, I hope that you will have safe journeys and the peace to enjoy your holiday. If you are staying at home, I do hope that you will recognise the need to find some space for yourself and those whom you love and to relax and be at peace. Whatever you are doing, I pray for God's blessing upon you and everything you do this holiday season.
With all good wishes,
David Sherwood