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Summary Of The Longmead Field Meeting Held 14th April 2007

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Archived Stories Play area A sign stipulating ‘do’s and don’ts’ was needed before the playground could be opened. This should be ready in about two weeks time. ROSPA required that the play area be monitored for damage and hazards to children.
Trim trail The lottery fund bid had failed. It was agreed that, given the number of failed bids for the trim trail, the best way forward now was to do-it-ourselves with community involvement. Two promises of £1000 towards the bridge over the stream have been received.

It was agreed that a boule pit should be included as requested by the twinning club and that a path should be kept clear on the far side of the stream. Tenders for pavilion, MUGA & car parking Invitations to tender for building the pavilion, MUGA and car parks went out on 8th February 2007 and were opened by a special meeting of the PC Finance Committee on 22nd March 2007. Despite the Football Foundation grant being based on costings made seven months ago, the costs are within budget. Pavilion The contract to build the pavilion has been awarded and building control approval has been granted. Work will begin in May with the intention of finishing in mid-August, in time for the start of the football season. Clubs using the pavilion will be asked to help decorate it.

An attempt to drill a borehole for water (to provide heating via a heat-exchange pump) failed. Another attempt will be made in early May, this time using a steel collar to support the sides of the borehole. MUGA (Multi-use Games Area) The contract will be given shortly and work will start in May.

The type of floodlighting to be used has not been decided, but it was thought 200 lux would be sufficient. It was unlikely that there would be enough money for lighting the tennis courts as well. Car parks West of England Developments have been awarded the contract to build the car parks. A grid blocked system is being considered for two grassed car-parking areas. Site office A portakabin is on-site, but has recently been vandalised. Security will be tightened and plumbing and electricity will provided.

The committee thanked Jack Purssell and Steven Major (architect) for the considerable time and effort they had put into producing working drawings, tender documents and dealing with the tenders.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 24th May