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Tennis Club Newsletter - April 2008

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Dear Member, The new season is upon us and, with all our new facilities now in place (courts, pavilion and floodlights), it should be a good one!  As you will see below, the committee has been working hard to develop the club and get more people playing tennis.

CLUB SESSIONS, SUMMER ‘08 – You should have received a copy of our club sessions for this season.  If not, there is a copy on the club notice board on the court, on the tennis club pages of hemyock.org  or contact Sue and she can get one to you.  It’s similar to last year (junior girls on Tues evenings, junior boys on Wednesday evenings and seniors on Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings) with additional team practice sessions and matches.

 “MAY-DAY SOCIAL AND OPEN EVENING”  On Thurs, May 1st   from 6.30 onwards, Tony Pryce Sports are bringing along their range of new racquets and we will be providing tea and cake in the pavilion.  It’s an “Open Evening” for non-members as well as members, so bring your friends as well!

“LADIES DAY” On Tuesday 13th, Fiona Scott is organizing an afternoon of social tennis.  Ladies from other clubs will be joining us and there will be a “bring and share” refreshments afterwards.  If you would like to come along, please phone Fiona (680699)

TEAMS  Our men have had a successful season this year in the Stone’s Winter league: they are currently top with one match to play.  This summer for the first time, we will also be running a mixed team in the West Somerset League.  As newcomers, the team will be starting in the bottom division, but if they do well, will be able to move up next year.  Team practice sessions are on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings.

“FRIENDLIES”  - During the winter, monthly 'social matches' have taken place with the Honiton tennis club. Honiton have travelled to Hemyock to take advantage of the new floodlights on the first Wednesday of each month. The informal, mixed matches have been entertaining (if cold sometimes). The warmth and shelter afforded by the new pavilion have been very welcome. 

We have tried to rotate the Hemyock team to give as many people as possible the chance to play.  Thanks to all the people who have turned out to make it a success and thanks to Ian Jeeves for taking the initiative and working to make the matches happen.  The results (so far....) indicate that Honiton have the edge:












If you would like to play in future social matches, please contact Jerry Popham.


 SUBSCRIPTIONS  - are now due (April 1st).  There was no increase last year, but they have gone up this year, now we have the use of the pavilion and the floodlights.  We still believe they are very good value compared to other clubs around.   The prices are now:-

Family - £85                  Senior - £60                   Junior - £20       Non-playing members -£10 (this is a category of member for those who have been members, but are not able to play anymore and would like to keep in touch.)

There is a renewal form at the bottom of this Newsletter for you to send with your payment.                   

VISITORS FEES – (guests of members) are £2 per hour, payable into the Spar Shop.    

CONTACT LIST – If you wish to play outside club sessions but are in need of a partner to play with, we are gathering a list of telephone numbers of people who are usually willing to have a game either mid-week or at weekends.  These telephone numbers are only available to club members on the list.   If you would like to be added to the list please indicate this on the form when you renew your subs.


·         COACHING for Senior Beginners in April was well subscribed and we will be arranging further sessions for other groups in the summer.


·         WIMBLEDON tickets will be available through the LTA as usual.  We’ve asked for more this year and they’ll let us know what we have been awarded in May.  Let Anne Langford know (01823 680086) if interested.



·         BOOKING SYSTEM – we are trying out a court booking system on the website at the moment.  This will allow members to book a court prior to  turning up, Non-members will be able to view the bookings, but not to book a court themselves.  As membership grows and the courts are used more, being able to pre-book a court will become a useful facility for members.  When the system goes live, you will be given a username and a password. NB the book kept at the Spar is for information, only, re club sessions, matches etc,  It cannot be used to book a court.


Emails – it would save on delivery if we could send you information via email.  If you are happy for us to have your “address” please send it to sueliz.lambert.@virgin.net

We are looking forward to a dry, “not too warm” summer this year and plenty of tennis!                     From the Committee