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Hemyock WI - News Update

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Archived Stories At the September Meeting Lyn Taylor welcomed fellow members after the summer break. Unfortunately the August Garden Party was cancelled due to persistent rain. Lyn said the exhibit at the Mid Devon Show did quite well as it came 5th. Individual exhibits which did particularly well were the card with 20 points, the Victoria sandwich with 18 and the piece of lace 17..... all out of 20. Lyn said arrangements for the Group Meeting to be held at Hemyock are in hand. It is hoped the wall hanging will be ready for display by then... Gill and Brenda will try to get this done.

Eight members will be joining Clayhidon for their boat trip on Sept 9th to view the Jurassic Coast from a boat...weather permitting.

After a most informative talk and discussion with representatives from Milford and Dormer, refreshments were served by Lyn and Karen.. These two ladies came first in the competitions and Daphne had first prize in the raffle.

Next month Margaret Sweetland will be demonstrating the making of Corn Dollies.The competitions will be for a doll and a home grown flower. Visitors will be welcome. The meetings are held in Forbes Lounge on the first Tuesday in the month at 7.30pm.

B Calcraft
01823 681592