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Hemyock Launches Ambitious Parish Appraisal

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Every home in the Parish of Hemyock has received a 36 page, 98 question Parish Appraisal asking residents to respond to questions and to comment on a wide and varied range of topics from Housing to Employment, Medical Services to Transport Needs and Education to Social Welfare.   The document was created by a team of local residents under the auspices of the Parish Council.
Chairman of the Parish Council Heather Stallard commented “Over the coming months the Council will be working on a Parish Plan and the responses to this Appraisal document will be prominent in its make-up.  We always want to do the very best for our community and the contribution of residents in completing this Appraisal is therefore critical and we ask everyone to take time to complete it.  What local people have to say is very important”.
Picture – Local resident John Hooper returns his completed copy of the Hemyock Parish Appraisal.  From left to right; Paul Steed (Parish Councillor), Anne Sworn (Appraisal Team Member), Heather Stallard (Chair of Hemyock Parish Council) and John Hooper.