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Around Hemyock - April 09

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Archived Stories Many people will, by now, be aware that the Pump's editors Hilary and Matt Clements have a baby daughter, Verity. The birth was not without its complications and Verity arrived 9 weeks early weighing in at 2lbs 10oz on Valentines Day. She is progressing well and we send the family love and the readerships’ warmest congratulations. Congratulations also go to Les and Billie Wannell who recently celebrated 65 years of marriage. Tom Palmer (son of David and Meg) is due to marry Sarah at the beginning of May and we send them warmest wishes. It seems like only yesterday he was one of St Mary's angelic choirboys!

Easter will be almost upon us as this issue arrives on your doorstep when many will be meeting up with family and friends and perhaps it is a good time to remember those from our parish who now live in Care Homes and local families who have relatives serving abroad in our Armed Forces.

As always our churches will be celebrating with the usual services and beautiful floral decorations. Hopefully the differing weather we have seen over recent weeks will not have too badly affected the daffodils and primroses that are traditionally used for this festival. St Mary's is always worth a visit to see the lovely floral arrangements and Easter Garden.

The sudden onslaught of snow, whilst causing a variety of problems, did little to quell the huge enthusiasm of youngsters many of whom hadn't previously seen such a fall. The Recreation Field saw a variety of structures ranging from snowmen to igloos and snowballs larger than those building them! A more serious note was when a very large branch of a yew tree in the churchyard broke
off narrowly missing the tower.

Brian and Mavis Clist were unfortunately not missed when recently involved in a car accident - a vehicle drove straight into the passenger door. Thankfully neither was seriously injured but we understand the car was a write off.

Brian was of course one of those who instigated our twinning with an area of France. In coming weeks it will be, once again, a pleasure to welcome our French friends as during this visit we celebrate the official Twinning Ceremony. The new road signs now acknowledge this.

Over the Easter holiday a number of local children who attend Uffculme School will be amongst those on the annual French exchange with Lillebonne, Wellington's twin town, with the French youngsters making a return visit in late April.

Speaking of our young people, congratulations to those at the primary school who in a variety of events, ranging from sport to dance, are very successfully representing Hemyock. No doubt there will be more of this on the school page.

Those organisations which regularly use the Church Room will be aware that a major refurbishment has happened in the kitchen. With new units, flooring and other alterations it will be a much nicer environment to work in.

Whilst the footbridge at the lower end of Station Road has become an eyesore whilst waiting for decisions to be made about that area, many will be disappointed to hear that it is to be demolished. Many local adults will remember the fun they had as young children walking along it thinking they were quite high off the road but knowing a parents hand was within easy reach should they slip, and of course it was a huge asset when flooding occurred to those who worked at the St Ivel factory or lived at that end of the village.

As always, many will know of people who are unwell or bereaved includng John Kallaway of Hollingarth and our good wishes and prayers are sent to them.

With a number of properties on the market it looks as if some of our residents may be leaving the area. We wish them all happiness as they move to pastures new and welcome all those folk who have moved into the parish.

With the coming of Spring lots of events are happening around the area, hopefully something for all the family: and for those who receive the Pump but live abroad and enjoy sunny climes perhaps lines from Robert Brownings poem 'Home-thoughts, from Abroad' may spring to mind -

O to be in England, now that April's there ……….

Happy Easter!

Janice Bawler
email: jbawler1947@hotmail.co.uk
Tel 01823 4680352