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Tennis Club News

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Archived Stories We enjoyed the long spell of lovely autumn weather and now the rain and winds have arrived we are still managing to get some tennis in, in between the showers.

Play continues through the winter with the floodlights enabling us to have our evening club sessions and friendlies with Honiton Tennis Club. Club sessions are on Thursday evenings (6.30pm), Saturday mornings (10.30am) and Sunday mornings (10.30 am, advanced). We are pleased with our success in the West Somerset mixed league during the summer and hope that the men's winter league players will do well again, as they have in previous years.

We have been given a grant to help our Club Coach, Dan Loftus, with training. He is at university during term time, but will be keen to help with coaching during the vacations. Roll on next summer!

Sue Lambert, Club Sec (680664)