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Summary of CLT Board Meeting Held on 1 November 2012

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A summary of the meeting of the Boatrd of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd held on 1st November 2012.


Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd


Summary of CLT Board Meeting Held on 1st November 2012



Directors Attending:             Heather Stallard (Chair), Neil Carter (Treasurer), Simon Clist,

Tim Barton, Lance Povah

In Attendance:                       Neil Punnett (Company Secretary)

Members’ Apologies:            Richard Kallaway, Roy Brooke


  • ·        A notice was approved for the Parish Pump requesting anyone interested in the affordable homes in the Culmstock Road, Hemyock to register their names and addresses with Neil Punnett, in confidence, via e-mail or by post. A similar notice will appear on the Hemyock website and some leaflets containing the notice to be placed in the SPAR and Post Office.
  • ·        A letter of support for the West of England Developments (WoED) planning application has been sent to Mid Devon District Council on behalf of the CLT.
  • ·        Points raised in e-mails from parish councillors James Edwards and Leisha Clist concerning the WoED’s planning application for the former St Ivel site on Station Road were discussed. It is a completely separate application by WoED and the CLT has no involvement with it at all. The CLT cannot consider the former St Ivel site because it has not been offered it, unlike the Culmstock Road site where the CLT has been offered the land. It is highly unlikely that WoED would offer the land since it is a brownfield site which has considerable commercial value, unlike the Culmstock Road site.
  • ·        WoED has informed the CLT that the Culmstock Road site will proceed, subject to planning permission, whether the CLT is involved with it or not.
  • ·        A meeting has been arranged by Steve Watson of Wessex Community Assets for the CLT Board and Hastoe Housing Association to meet with the Homes and Communities Agency on 5th November in order to try to secure the grant for the Culmstock Road site through the government's Affordable Homes Programme. There will be a site visit.
  • ·        A letter from the Blackdown Hills AONB supports the provision of affordable housing if a need has been identified in a settlement.
  • ·        David Snape, the Housing Enabling and Supported Housing Manager at Mid-Devon District Council has confirmed that he is satisfied that the Housing Needs Survey is accurate and that the methodology used is consistent throughout all of the surveys completed across Devon.
  • ·        It was agreed that the CLT Board Minutes be circulated to all members of the CLT once approved by the Directors.
  • ·        It was agreed that a summary of recent activity by the CLT should be sent to the Parish Councils of Hemyock and Clayhidon each month, preferably in the form of a brief paragraph. A similar report to be sent to the Parish Pump and published on the village website.