Devon County - Tough Choices
- Tuesday, January 27 2015 @ 11:53 am UTC
- Contributed by: Donna Evans
- Views: 1,354

Below is a note from Devon County Council
Public transport review
To help meet the £50 million budget reduction required by Government spending cuts next year, we now face making savings of £1.7m from our annual public transport budget. It will be the first time that we have proposed making service reductions for four years.
Most bus services in Devon are run commercially by bus companies at no cost to the Council. However, we spend £5.376m a year to support nearly 200 public bus services, carrying around 4.5m passengers every year. These services would not run without this support.
We also manage the National Bus Pass Scheme for 175,000 pass holders in Devon. This costs us more than £9m every year. Efficiencies have already been achieved across the wider Transport Coordination Service to meet previous savings.
We need your help
We would like to find out what you think about our proposals to reduce services. Please let us know what their impact might be on you.
The proposals would start to come into effect during the second half of 2015.
This consultation closes on Monday 20 April 2015.
click here for proposal information
click here to complete survey
A postal version of the consultation is available on request.
Thank you.
Transport Co-ordination Service
Devon County Council
Matford Offices
County Hall
Exeter EX2 4QD
Tel 0345 155 1015