St Mary’s Guild - Dec 06 & Jan 07
- Friday, December 15 2006 @ 09:04 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,241

Christmas Party which proved to be a very pleasant afternoon.
After participating in a light hearted Christmas Quiz, we enjoyed some festive
fare including Mince pies, Stollen and mulled wine - scrumptious. Members of St Mary's Guild met on January 3rd for their first meeting of the
year. Christine Brown wished everyone Happy New Year and dealt with the
business of the day, after which she introduced our speakers, David and Elsie
Howells who were to speak and show slides on East Anglia.
After a shaky start when the computer refused to cooperate - as they do from
time to time, we were enthralled by the subject. The Howells talk was mainly on
architecture and we were not disappointed. The area certainly has some
magnificent churches. The landscape in the eastern side of the country is so
different to our own, both beautiful in their own way.
Hopefully we can look forward to another visit from Mr and Mrs Howells. Mrs
Brenda Calcraft will speak on her passion on patchwork at our February