Parish Council Minutes - Oct, Nov, Dec 2006
- Wednesday, December 27 2006 @ 11:05 am UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,882

Matters Arising
- Re state of road at South View, Mr White of MDDC had visited and found no problem. Query whether he had even visited the right road. To be followed up. - Mr Alec Smith and the litter picking team were thanked for their huge efforts for the litter pick at end of October.
- Wall by the War Memorial has been repaired very badly - mortar loose and not matching the rest of the wall. Council has requested it be done again. Nothing heard yet.
- Poop Scoop bags not available yet but should be soon in Spar and Post Office.
District Council Report
- Seriously deteriorating financial position reported. Cost of concessionary bus fares has risen hugely and income from car parking market tolls & leisure income all below target. 50 jobs are being axed.
- Successful Chairman's Reception held at Culmstock - well attended by Hemyock residents. A way of thanking people for their contribution to the community.
County Council Report
- County Council Highways office in Broad Lane, Tiverton to close for cost saving reasons.
- Job evaluation scheme being carried out at County. Will result in significant extra salary costs.
- Complaints about time taken to get through to the County Council Call Centre - although recent report says they are on target for answering calls within a specified time.
Longmead Field
- Senior Football using the new pitch and portacabin now obtained for use as temporary pavilion. It has sadly already been broken into.
- Childrens playpark still not able to be used until grass has properly grown up through the rubber matting and the site checked by ROSPA.
- Problem with children riding bikes over the equipment will cause damage if not stopped.
Millhayes Hall
- Two new committees formed - The H.E.L.P. Management Committee and the Millhayes Development Committee.
- The Development Committee has submitted a £250,000 bid for lottery funding and now must wait till April to learn if it has got through the first stage of the process. Mr Philip Vowles was thanked for all the many hours he has spent putting the bid together. Proposed plans will include a bar and social club, drop in centre, Scouts meeting area, archive unit, meeting rooms and bar
sports - ie skittles & darts.
Parish Website
The Parish Website which has been popular and useful is now under reconstruction. It is hoped that in due course village groups will each have a password enabling them to post updated information regularly about their own events.
Parish Precept
The Finance Committee had prepared a report which was presented to the Council which recommended that the Precept for2007/08 be increased to £28,000 in view of the forthcoming expenditure developing Longmead and Millhayes as well as the footpath projects and footbridge over the river. There was a lengthy discussion with some councillors against the increase and others in favour given the enhanced facilities for the village. Following a vote the Precept was set at the £28,000 level.
Planning Matters
Applications approved by MDDC Planning Dept:
- Land at NGR31168 114212
- Shoebrooks, Ashculm Hill
- 12 Tedders Close - extension
- Stable Block at Rigglesfoot
Plans Inspected by Parish Council:
- Two storey extension 4 Station Rd
- Outline planning for erection of dwelling at Sunnymead, Culmbridge Road.
- Plot 2 & Plot 3 former Halls Engineering site - revised plans.
After due consideration, Council recommended approval of the above.
- An application was studied for a variation of existing permission at Millhayes Farm. The developer now wishes to replace the old farmhouse with 2 new dwellings. Councillors recommended refusal and expressed disappointment at this variation as it had been understood that the old house was to be renovated to retain the character of the site.
- New location for storage of Parish Bier not yet found. No room at the Parish Church. To be left in Cemetery shed for the time being.
- Wheelie bin to be obtained for non-compostable rubbish in Cemetery - eg cellophane, plastic etc. A4 size sign for the wheelie bin to be obtained.
Chairmans Business etc
- St Marys Church clock in need of repair and Council has been asked for help towards the cost. Council agreed in principle but await further detail of work required and cost.
- Parish Clerk has contacted bus company to point out that the last bus leaves Taunton at 5.15pm which is too early for people leaving work in Taunton to catch. Requested a later departure time.
- New drain to be laid under the footpath behind the surgery. Path to be widened and resurfaced and a staggered barrier to replace the old kissing gate at the Station Road end. Suggestions as to where the old gate could be re-sited were asked for.
- The pavement from old Dobles Garage site past Spar to the industrial units entrance has to be done by March (ie within County Highways 05/06 budget)