Hemyock WI - Apr & May Update
- Friday, March 23 2007 @ 11:41 am UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,038

The March meeting was much enjoyed by all who attended. After the business which included taking names for the forthcoming group meeting on March 29 at Uffculme and the Spring Council meeting in Exeter, the president, Lynn Taylor introduced Carol Talbot who kept members enthralled as she talked about her 'passion for beads'. With lots of sample to handle and an informative talk, members learned about Whitby Jet, the difference between real and imitation pearls. They also heard that amber has a great colour range and comes from the sap of pine trees, which is millions of years old. Many beads are based on natural products such as nuts, beans, seeds, wood and bone. There was a necklace of snake vertebrae and another from a shell of an ostrich egg. Carols favorite seemed to be the millifiori beads made by the Venetians. The meeting closed after refreshments and the usual raffle. Both the flower of the month and the competition of something made from beads were well supported. The next meeting on Tuesday April 3 will be a talk on legal matters by Mr Bennett. Visitors will be very welcome. The meeting is held at 7:30pm in the Forbes Lounge.
Brenda Calcraft
01823 681592