New Road & Pavement Layout Causes Chaos
- Monday, May 14 2007 @ 10:10 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Paul Steed
- Views: 1,259

It was possible and preferable for the new pavement to be set back against the development wall thus leaving a wide thoroughfare at a busy bend. However, this sensible course of action was not taken by Planners says coach company owner Paul Redwood. His coaches which use the route are regularly being delayed as they meet other traffic on the bend especially heavy goods vehicles. Whilst contractors are on site there remains an opportunity to move the path back a few feet, but the people at Exeter are not listening said Mr Redwood at a recent Parish Council meeting.
Councillors have taken the matter up with the appropriate authorities and we are hoping for the changes to be introduced said Parish Council Chairman Heather Stallard.
The picture below shows the extent of the problem as an HGV swings wide to negotiate the sharp and now narrow bend.
Heather Stallard (Chairman - Hemyock Parish Council)
01823 680237
Written by
Steven Reed (Parish Councillor)
01823 680946