Hemyock Youth Football Club
- Sunday, May 20 2007 @ 03:47 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Lynn Taylor
- Views: 1,618

Lynn taylor will continue to lialise with the Longmead development committee but after eight years decided to stand down from the committee. Lynn and Sarah Buckley, who also stood down this year both offered to help if needed.
Mark Jordan and Nick Allen will be at the Catherine Wheel on July 20th and 27th and August 3rd and 10th for signing on nights. Children between the ages of 5 and 13 will be welcome to join the club. We are particularly hoping that some girls will come forward for nexrt season. If you have older children and are prepared to become a manager then the club can offer training and support. The current under 16 team are hoping to join the adults so there is an opening for older players.
For further information please contact Mark Jordan or Nick Allen.