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Friends of St Mary’s - June & July 07

  • Thursday, May 24 2007 @ 09:01 am UTC
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  • Views: 1,124
Archived Stories We are planning to hold a Festival of Trees in St Mary's in Advent (15 - 17 December 2007). The festival will last for tree days and it is hoped that many of the decorations will remain for Christmas. Groups, businesses and individuals will be asked to sponsor and / or decorate a tree and we shall be contacting you soon about this. Fund-raising for the festival will be starting in the next few weeks and the following events are planned. Please put these dates in your diaries.

Sunday 17 June - Open Gardens in Longmead. 2.30 - 5pm. No 21: Bob and Mo Anderson, No 25: Alec and Ann Smith and no.31: Don and Jane Attlee.  Teas, plans and a Raffle. £2.50. These gardens are less than 2 years old and are very different in style.

Thursday 28 June - Coffee morning at Penlee, Pencross Hill (Roger and Sue Lambert) 10-12 Bring and Buy, Cakes, Raffle

Sunday 5 August - Sponsored Walks Two walks in the Culm Valley. Leaving the Pump at 2.30pm. Drinks and ice creams available on return. Sponsor forms available from Maggie Corke 680 522, Diana Cooper 680 175, Jenny Doble 680 174 or Patricia Fuller 680 436.

The Friends of St Mary's raise money for the upkeep of the church and Church Rooms. In recent years we have helped towards a new boiler, new bell ropes, redecoration of the church rooms and most recently towards the restoration of the church clock. Future plans will be to try and get a much needed loo for the church. This will need a lot of money so PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT THESE VILLAGE EVENTS.

Jane Attlee
680 317
Tree Festival Co-ordinator