Friends of St Mary’s - August & September 07
- Monday, July 23 2007 @ 12:30 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,469

Sunday 5th August - Sponsored Walks
Two walks in the Culm Valley. Leaving the Pump at 2:30pm. Drinks and ice creams available on return. Sponsor forms from Maggie Corke (680522), Diana Cooper (680175), Jenny Doble (680174), or Patricia Fuller (680436). This should be a good afternoon for the energetic and not so energetic!
Tuesday 4th September - Coffee Morning
Kindly given by St Mary's Guild at 34 Castle Park (Elsie Board)
10am - 12pm. Bring and buy, cakes, and raffle.
Many helpers will be needed at the Festival - please contact me if you would like to be involved.
Jane Attlee - 680317 Tree Festival Co-ordinator