The first 2008 meeting of Hemyock WI took the form of a celebratory meal at the Half Moon on the occasion of their fourth Birthday. It was disappointing that Daphne, Margaret and Angela were unable to be there due to illness but all who were present agreed it was a lovely evening. Lyn told members that she has arranged for the WI to have Forbes Lounge on Tuesday 19th of February where from 7.30pm everyone will be welcome to come and enjoy a selection of home-made desserts. There will be no charge to taste the various desserts so come and meet the members who have made them. There will be a raffle so come and enjoy 'Pudding Night'.
The next meeting will be in Forbes Lounge at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5th of February when the 'World in Miniature' will be revealed.
The competitions will be for the flower of the month and a flower arrangement which must not be more than 1.5 inches high.
Brenda Calcraft
01823 681592