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From Revd Chris Hudson - August 08

  • Wednesday, July 30 2008 @ 08:20 am UTC
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Archived Stories One man's rubbish.

I spend a lot of mental energy and self-discipline trying to stop myself becoming a grumpy old man. In particular I have given up complaining about issues like 'You can't get anyone to mend anything these days' (which isn't really that true anyway) or about the plethora of signs on our roads. It makes for a much happier life to be positive and only complain when you really need to. One thing that has really helped me over the last 6 months is belonging to a group called 'Freecycle'. Basically what this does is offer people with something they no longer need an opportunity to get rid of it to someone who really does want it - instead of going to the tip. One man's rubbish really can be treasure to someone else. All this has been a real help in restoring my faith in people's generosity and neighbourliness.

In our hearts we know that it is as Jesus said, 'More blessed to give than to receive' (Acts 20.35). Here is a simple and practical way in which we can give and be greatly blessed in so doing. It is fun and easy to do, only providing that you have a computer or access to one without too much bother.

And there is another blessing which you may not have thought about. Most of us simply have too much 'stuff' and that becomes very evident if ever you have to deal with clearing out the home of a loved one. I have had to do that a number of times and what is a harrowing job at the best of the times can turn into an exhausting one if there hasn't been a regular 'turn-out'. My wife and I have made a firm resolution never to allow ourselves to get into that state. We have regular clear outs and we try never to put anything in the loft - it will still be there untouched in 5 years time.

What was it that Jesus said ? 'Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth…but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven'

Happy recycling
Rev Chris Hudson

PS the web site is freecycle.org.uk