From Revd David Sherwood - October 08
- Thursday, September 25 2008 @ 11:52 am UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,343

Often when we smell (another form of tasting) a familiar aroma, it can bring certain memories flooding back to us, re-enforcing the importance of taste in our lives. When Brian Keenan was held hostage in Lebanon, he was kept in darkened cellars away from all that was familiar. In his book 'An Evil Cradling' he tells how, towards the end of his captivity, his captors brought him an orange. He was so overwhelmed by its beauty, its texture and its scent that he found himself quite unable to eat it. It remained in his small cell until it eventually rotted away.
Now Brian's experience was clearly unique but how often do we take for granted what we have around us? How often do we intellectualise something to the point that we are no longer prepared to 'taste and see'? Aromas stimulate our memories simply because we have tasted. And when we don't taste something we miss out on so many new experiences and also deny ourselves the memories that will be evoked later on by the same scents and aromas. Life is so short - even those who live to ninety or more will say the same - and we have so much to experience and to taste. But how often do we, like Brian Keenan, leave something special to rot away?
As we celebrate this harvest season, giving thanks that we have so much and remembering those who have so little, let's look around us and see what lies undiscovered. And let's recognise that everything around us is a gift from God and as we taste all that he has given us, lets be bold, take it a stage further to 'taste and see that the Lord is good.' As we do that, we will also find that 'happy are those who take refuge in him'
I wish you all a very happy and adventurous autumn as you 'taste and see…'
Rev David Sherwood