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Young Farmers Update - October 2008

  • Thursday, September 25 2008 @ 04:01 pm UTC
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  • Views: 1,303
Archived Stories Apologies for the long delay in updating you on what we have been up to within the club. I would like to congratulate Emily York for scoring the highest points in the junior public speaking competition earlier on in the year and her team coming overall 3rd. Other results were the Devon girl's football team, including Amy Broomfield and Kelly Reed who came 2nd and the Devon rugby team which included Richard McCabe who came 5th. Also the Devon ten pin bowling team, made up of all Culm Valley members who came first. Well done to you all. Well done to all the members who competed at the East Devon group stockjudging with special mention going to Gill Manley who won the breeding ram stockjudging and Sara Spiller who won the overall stock judger on the beef, sheep & dairy stockjudging day. Thank you must go to all those who took part in the community action project which was to build a bridge on the new Longmead site in the village, which was completed with in one day!

Well done to everyone who took part in our show and sale with the champion going to Mark Davis with his beef heifer and reserve going to Rob Northam with his down calving heifer. Other winners were Kevin Davis with his beef steer, Richard Barton with his Bulling heifer, John Snell with his beef out of dairy animal, Mark Snell with his sheep, Sara Spiller with her pigs and Hannah Stevens with her tame lamb.

A massive well done must also go to Ben Tristram, Andy Broomfield, Dave Nockolds, Chris Reddaway, Gill Manley & Hannah Slator, who all skydived from 15,000 ft to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care. Congratulations to the dodge ball team who went to represent Devon at south west area and came first. Good luck to them all as they go on to the national finals in October.

6 members took part in the East Devon Call My Bluff competition in August. The two teams came 2nd and 5th. Well done to you all, especially to Andy Broomfield, Mark Davis & Olly Reed who got picked to go through to the next round where Olly's team came 2nd and Mark and Andy's team came first and Andy won the award for the best male speaker.

Also well done to Jess Maltby, Harriet Broad, Emily York & Sara Spiller who took part in the Brainstrust competition.

Throughout the summer our Tug-Of-War team have been training hard with their efforts paying off, being named Dorset county champions as well as coming 2nd at Honiton show. The team consists of Matt & Dan Hammett, Rob Barton, Ben Tristram, Andy Broomfield, Olly reed, Kevin Davis & Martin Westcott.

The club also had some more successes at Honiton Show, with the club cubicle themed 'Three blind Mice' coming second, missing out by one point! Also congratulations must go to Harvey Pile & Sara Spiller who won the under 18's boy's & girl's points cups.

Congratulations must also go to Rob & Verity Northam and Will & Mandy Saunders who have recently got married. We wish them all the best for the future.

Sadly, in July we lost an invaluable friend and member of Culm Valley. Lorna Pinder sadly died on July 13th. Lorna would have a go at anything in young Farmers, from speaking to sport, she was there. On behalf of the club, we are so proud to have known her and the fact she was so committed to the club and always had a smile on her face.

Sara Spiller