Tennis Club News
- Wednesday, August 05 2009 @ 01:44 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,083

Juniors, school years 2 - 4 Time: 4.30 - 5.30pm,
Juniors, school years 5 - 9 Time: 5.30 - 6.30pm
(£20 for five one hour sessions)
Year 10 and upwards Time: 6.30 - 8.00pm
(£30 for five 1 ½ hour sessions)
Book with Julie Steed (01823 680787) or Dan Loftus (07525 187452)
The younger juniors are not left out as we are planning indoor after-school mini-tennis in the primary school. We could do with some volunteer helpers with this activity - please contact Julie Steed if interested.
New fees for this year:-
Seniors £60, Couple £90 Juniors £10 and our new bargain this year - one week
for a visiting family, £20!
Visit the Website (WWW.HEMYOCK.ORG) tennis pages or ring Sue (680664) or Julie 680787) for application forms.
if you don't wish to join for a whole year, it is possible to hire a court for £8 an hour (£6, for a family, £4 juniors). Book this at the Spar.
Visitors, with a member, £2 per hour (£1, juniors)
Sue Lambert, Club sec., 680664