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Tennis Club News

  • Wednesday, August 05 2009 @ 01:44 pm UTC
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  • Views: 1,083
Archived Stories Following on from our press release in the last Pump about a Grant  that we have been awarded, we can report that the Ball Machine should be with us by August - just in time for Club Coach, Dan Loftus to use on our coaching courses in the holidays, which is great! We will be running Junior Coaching courses again this year with daily sessions during the week 17th - 21st August.

Juniors, school years 2 - 4 Time: 4.30 - 5.30pm,
Juniors, school years 5 - 9 Time: 5.30 - 6.30pm
(£20 for five one hour sessions)

Year 10 and upwards Time: 6.30 - 8.00pm
(£30 for five 1 ½ hour sessions)

Book with Julie Steed (01823 680787) or Dan Loftus (07525 187452)

The younger juniors are not left out as we are planning indoor after-school mini-tennis in the primary school. We could do with some volunteer helpers with this activity - please contact Julie Steed if interested.

New fees for this year:-
Seniors £60, Couple £90 Juniors £10 and our new bargain this year - one week
for a visiting family, £20!
Visit the Website (WWW.HEMYOCK.ORG) tennis pages or ring Sue (680664) or Julie 680787) for application forms.

if you don't wish to join for a whole year, it is possible to hire a court for £8 an hour (£6, for a family, £4 juniors). Book this at the Spar.

Visitors, with a member, £2 per hour (£1, juniors)

Sue Lambert, Club sec., 680664