Around Hemyock.... August 2009
- Wednesday, August 05 2009 @ 01:57 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,249

A concert in the church the following weekend saw a large audience enjoy the music of The Salamanca Band and Bugles of The Rifles. After all the razzamatazz of music usually heard at The Last Night of the Proms, the Evening Hymn and Sunset dedicated to recently killed service personnel was very poignant. Andrew and Erika, the only two children present thought the concert was 'absolutely fantastic' and 'not long enough'. Out of the mouths of babes ..........
St Mary's was also the chosen venue for the Mid Devon District Council annual service followed by a cream tea at the hall. Phew it was hot day, the councillors, in all their regalia, must have sweltered as they paraded through the village.
To enjoy the company of Bishop Cramner from Uganda and his wife Hope along with Exeter Archdeacon Penny Driver at the same service in St Marys was a privilege as it was to welcome Bishop Bob for the Confirmation. Father's Day saw the congregation visiting the Baptist Chapel for a joint service which was also very special.
The chapel members have continued to run a variety of regular events for the community and one of the best supported must be the Wednesday coffee mornings - a great place to meet - long may it continue Hot weather, yes there has been some, as those who attended the Exeter 1100 Celebratory Day with the Archbishop of Canterbury and held on the Cathedral Green will remember. Those who didn't take a sunshade or umbrella must have envied the various cathedral staff and clergy who once seated found golf size
umbrellas under their chairs, with many being put to good use during the 2 hour long service. The Songs of Praise with Judy Spiers,and held early evening enjoyed much cooler weather but many still sat in the shade of the trees. A truly memorable day
Youngsters from Rock the Boat and Crusaders were able to join about 600 others for a weekend camp at Huish Woods, Taunton recently. Typical camping weather saw downpours and sunshine but a good time was had by all. Ray and Becks Thomas will be sorely missed by the young people they have worked with during their time in Hemyock. We wish them well for the future.
The children at the primary school have been involved with a variety of arts and sports events recently and have been very successful at many. A credit to themselves, the staff, and the school. Congratulations to Mrs Arrowsmith and her husband on the birth of their son. No doubt the children are longing to see him as they await her return to school
Sadly some families have lost loved ones - these include Ted Collins, Jean Wayland and Anna Lowman. Condolences are sent to their families and friends We also remember Chris and Mary Hudson on the loss of their grandchild. We send love, prayers and condolences to the family of Leslie Burston but with them rejoice in his years of Christian ministry in the Blackdown Hills.
David Palmer is amongst those who are ill at present and we wish all a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing them back amongst us.
Philip and Jean Vowles have lived here for a comparatively short time but have made many friends and to say farewell they held an open house tea party. We wish them and everyone leaving the parish all happiness in their new homes. A warm welcome is extended to all those who have recently moved into the area and we look forward to meeting you at the various events that will be held over the summer.
Congratulations to Brian and Jenny Doble who have just celebrated their Ruby wedding anniversary and to Victoria Sherwood who will be celebrating a special teenage birthday during August.
Can it really be 40 years ago that Holiday Club started? It seems like only yesterday! Those involved over the years must have a treasure chest of memories including meetings at the parish hall, Ron White on accordion, Tony Grosse on guitar (well it may be in tune - you had to be there!) cuddles from Helen Pretty helping the younger children, laughter plus wonderful team drawings from Camilla Doble, Uncle Ron and Uncle Tony and their hats, line dancing, worksheets, Jenny and Maureen with arts and crafts, videos from bible stories to Wallace and Gromit, sports, rain and sunshine, various leaders doing responsible and silly things, tuck shops, well loved choruses sung year after year such as 'Jesus loves the Hemyock boys even when they make a NOISE', joint services , teenagers who manage to create wonderful face decorations, volunteers who over the years have made thousands of drinks, generous parents who have donated boxes of chocolates to the organisers and for those who stayed for the after club meeting Joan Coopers endless supply of delicious cakes - but perhaps most importantly the joy on children's faces and then as they have grown into adulthood seeing them bring their children to the summer event. Many thanks to everyone who has helped in any way over 40 wonderful years.
As the song says 'School's out for summer' - may your summer be full of peace and fun and for those going on holiday may you return refreshed and looking forward to the various events planned over the coming weeks.
Janice Bawler