WI News
- Monday, December 28 2009 @ 09:56 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,094

The treasurer reported a satisfactory year thanks to member's hard work & generosity.
The President thanked all for their support throughout the year. It was then time for a Beetle Drive and Quiz before enjoying an excellent supper with wine.
At the October Meeting Lyn Taylor presided over a most enjoyable Meeting. After a discussion of County and National business, there was a report on the Autumn Council Meeting at Torquay which had been attended and enjoyed by Judith & Brenda.
Then members were fascinated by the history of Quicke's Cheese well presented by Stuart Dowell. Stuart had brought a good supply of the products which were much enjoyed. Yet more packs of cheese boosted the usual excellent raffle organised by Barbara Heaton.
In December Members will attempt to create a Christmas decoration under the guidance of Judy. There is a competition for an interesting Christmassy item plus your favourite home grown flower.
In January there will be a Meeting on the 5th when Roger Lambert will talk about 'Shelter Box'. The competition will be for 'A Useful Box'.There are plans to have a Celebratory Birthday Meal at the Catherine Wheel later in the month. Details will be given at the December Meeting.
Visitors to all Meetings will be welcome.
Brenda Calcraft
01823 681592