Hemyock WI
- Wednesday, January 20 2010 @ 08:13 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Lynn Taylor
- Views: 1,010

A new year and the WI is celebrating its 5th birthday. We are a very friendly group and have a new programme which is stimulating and interesting. Each month we have a speaker and two competitions which are just a bit of fun, We don't take them too seriously and it is quite easy to enter as most things we already have in the home. We ask our guest speaker to judge the competition and points are awarded to everyone who enters. A small prize is awarded at the end of each year.
The second competition is for a flower of the month. This is just one flower head in a small vase or container; whatever is growing in the garden, and usually cut whilst scrabbling around in the dark with a torch in the winter months! Members judge this by awarding 5p to the flower of their choice and the money collected during the year is donated to the ACWW.(Associated Country Women of the World).
As well as the monthly meetings we have a book club. We meet once a month in members' homes and lively discussion ensues, accompanied by wine and nibbles.
There are various visits through out the year and we try to go the theatre at least once.
Lifts can always be arranged for those less mobile so get in touch with one of us if you would like to join us: Brenda Calcraft 01823 681592, Lynn Taylor 01823 680104, Judith Major 01823 680746, Sandra Featherstone 01823 680036