Around Hemyock
- Friday, April 02 2010 @ 11:22 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,242

Our sympathy goes to all those who have recently suffered the loss of a loved one and we also remember all those who are unwell thinking particularly of Rev Malcolm Beal, David Palmer and Alan and Margaret Craig.
No doubt elsewhere in these pages there will be news about the exciting things that have, and are happening at our primary school. We are lucky to have such a dedicated team under Headteacher, Gill Peters. All those who have any dealings with education will know that teaching is certainly not a 9am - 3.30pm profession. One example which we have personal knowledge of is the Rotary Exmoor Challenge - a 16 mile walk on the moor due to take place on 1st May. Just like 10 Tors staff have to find practice walks, organise children (and parents!) and then supervise the walks on Saturdays. Whilst the first walk of 8 miles took place around Hemyock the others will be in Lynton/Lynmouth and around Dulverton. Of course for safety reasons before the children can take part in these a member of staff needs to walk them beforehand. If you have no children at the school you might be interested in reading their newsletter which comes out on their website every Monday afternoon - you may be surprised at all the things happening and thanks in no small part to the staff, the children continue to be a credit to the area.
During the Easter school holidays some youngsters from Hemyock who attend Uffculme will be visiting France on the annual French exchange trip. The day after their return their counterparts will be visiting our area - we offer then a very warm welcome.
Scouts, Cubs and Brownies from the village will be joining other members of the Tiverton District for the annual St George's Day Parade and Service at St Peters, Tiverton on Sunday 25th April. It's always encouraging to see these youth groups parade through the town and take part in the service - and again a chance for us to realise how much time is given to running the organisations.
Easter - and all the joy that brings - will be celebrated around the time you receive this issue of The Pump. As always St Mary's will be opened daily so do take a chance to view the floral displays and Easter garden arranged by Jane Attlee and her team. Many of the lilies included in the displays will have been given in memory of a loved one.
Whist many continue to use Longmead sports facilities the cricket team are beginning to prepare for their season with work to keep the Recreation Field and square in excellent condition.
As is our tradition we offer a warm welcome to all those new to the area and wish a fond farewell to those moving on who perhaps will continue enjoy reading the village news on
Do let me know if you have any news you would like included in the next issue - or 01823 680352
Janice Bawler