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Roadways activity in Hemyock

  • Thursday, August 12 2010 @ 10:13 am UTC
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A large number of activities seem to be happening on the roads around Hemyock, all at once.   The PCs initiative to replace the walkway over the Culm is finally coming to fruition, and Devon County Highways seem to have finally got their act together, though there is a strong suspicion that all this work is due to the forthcoming Round Britain Cycle race in September.

At the August Parish Council meeting it was reported that work on the raised walkway at the bottom of Station Road was about to start. This will take 8 weeks and should also include removal of the old walkway on the right as you leave the village.   This is almost entirely a Parish Council initiative and has taken a lot of work on the part of some dedicated individuals.  The money is coming from an addition to the village Precept over the last two years and some Section 106 money from Bloors development of Millhayes.

Devon CC Highways have also been doing a number of the actions the PC have been requesting for a number of years.  These include re-erecting the Symondsburrow sign, the road sign by the war memorial and the 30mph by the Old Rectory.  They have put the sharp bend chevrons up at the top of Castle Hill, but these are only visible when driving towards Hemyock. They have also put up hump back bridge signs on Culmbridge Road, and the number of potholes doesn't sem to be such an issue any more.

They are promising to imminently do some signing at the corner where Station Road meets Culmbridge Road and remove the traffic island on Longmead.   The PC was still not happy with the issue of the hedge between this bend and the Surgery, which sticks out into the road and was the scene of an accident a few weeks ago, and asked Councillor Ray Radford to convey our concerns to the County Council

They are also responsible for the closure of Station Rd by the Culm bridge to finally sort out the drainage of the area the Millhayes side.  Probably this is in preparation for re-surfacing the route of the cycle race, which has already been partially done.

Mid Devon DC have re-surfaced the road at South View, though it was reported by a Councillor to be not very well done.