Erection of a 50kw wind turbine at Highlands Farm
- Thursday, May 31 2012 @ 09:09 am UTC
- Contributed by: Admin
- Views: 1,357
You may be aware of the planning application currently being considered for a large wind turbine to be erected just outside Hemyock. The proposed turbine is very tall at over 34 metres - this is two thirds the height of Wellington Monument, or about the height of an 11 storey building. At higher wind speeds the volume of noise generated is similar to that of a chainsaw. This really is out of keeping with its surroundings, in an AONB where many people go to get away from it, and take a walk, ride a horse, exercise the dog in exceptional beauty, peace, and tranquillity.
If you would like to object, but don't know how to go about it, or think it will take too long, you can now do so exceptionally easily, just visit this page:
and enter your name and address, and click 'Send' - it really is that easy! Your objection will then be registered with MDDC Planning. Please could you spread the word to anyone else you think would feel the same way. UPDATE 2: deadline for objections changed again, now Monday 4th June...