Result of Election for Directors of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd
- Sunday, September 23 2012 @ 06:19 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Neil Punnett
- Views: 1,679

At the Special General Meeting for members of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd held on 22 September 2012 a secret ballot was held to elect Directors, replacing the interim Directors who have been involved in the establishment of the Trust. The result is shown below.
A secret ballot was held. 22 members attended the Special General Meeting and there were also four Proxy Votes. The result of the election of Directors of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd was as follows:
Timothy Roy BARTON 24 votes
Royston BROOKE 23 votes
Alistair Neil Glyn CARTER 23 votes
Simon John CLIST 18 votes
Richard Mervyn KALLAWAY 23 votes
Lance William POVAH 22 votes
Heather Alice STALLARD 21 votes
The seven named above were duly appointed Directors of the Trust.
Neil Punnett
Company Secretray