Meeting cancelled
- Wednesday, September 17 2014 @ 08:35 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Donna Evans
- Views: 1,306

Embrace has cancelled the meeting scheduled for 10am on 18th September.
Please see email below
Good Morning All,
We are sorry for the short notice, however we are going to postpone the meeting scheduled for tomorrow, at 10:00. We have taken on board your feedback and we will shortly be sending out some information in answer to the questions or concerns you have raised.
We are currently looking at some dates for an evening or weekend meeting which we will advise you of ASAP. Please can you let anyone else know that the meeting tomorrow has now been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience and we will be back in contact shortly.
Kind Regards.
Lauren Moore
PA to Gill Holt, Director of Specialist Education & Childrens Residential Services, Childrens Services