Recycle Devon
- Wednesday, October 28 2015 @ 12:21 pm UTC
- Contributed by: Donna Evans
- Views: 1,553

Annual awards are a chance to nominate Devon's recycling heroes
Communities across Devon are being called on to nominate their unsung recycling heroes, whose efforts have helped the county become one of the greenest in the UK.
The fourth Recycle Devon Thank You Awards are being held in February and from this week nominations for the eight categories, including those for schools, business, children and community groups, can be submitted.
The awards are organised by the Recycle Devon team, and were first launched to recognise those people who do that bit extra to help ensure Devon remains clean and green.
Recycle Devon is a partnership of 10 councils including Devon County Council, eight district authorities and Torbay Council.
At last count 55.4 per cent of the total rubbish collected or taken to recycling centres that could otherwise have ended up in landfill, was recycled.
And now Recycle Devon wants to recognise those who have gone beyond the call of duty or perhaps even come up with new and innovative ways to reduce waste or reuse old items.
Entries need to be in by 30 November; judging takes place in December and January. The awards ceremony will be hosted by Matt and Caroline from Heart Radio’s Breakfast Show, with prizes and recognition for all shortlisted entrants.
So if you know someone who makes a real effort – a neighbour, friend, someone who works at a local business or is involved in a community group or even a member of your local collection crew who picks up your recycling or works at a recycling centre, please get in touch.
It could perhaps be school or college student, teacher, helper or member of the support staff.
If you would like to nominate someone, please fill in the quick nomination form at – they deserve it!
Chairman of DAWRCC, Devon Authorities Waste Reduction and Recycling Committee, Councillor Rodney Cann said: “Having been involved in recycling for some years now it is heartening to see such dedication to the cause from people in Devon. We must make sure that they are recognised and thanked for the good work that they do.”
Liz Jarvis, Senior Waste Manager at Devon County Council, said: “Last year we had over 50 nominations and we’re hoping to receive even more this year.
“It’s such a pleasure to hear about amazing people in the community who do so much to keep Devon beautiful; they really are an inspiration.”
The overall Recycle Devon hero last year was Lyn Wonnacot and The Green Team at St Davids Primary School whose mission is to promote sustainable living both in School and at home.
The categories are:
Your Recycling Hero – this could be a friend, family member, neighbour or local champion
School Recycling Hero – three categories – child or adult as well as class/group
Community Group recycling hero
Collection Crew/Operative - recycling, garden, food, or refuse collector
Recycling Centre Operative staff
Small Business Champion
For further information or to nominate, please see the website, or post your entry to: The Recycle Devon Team, c/o Devon County Council, Waste Management, County Hall, Exeter, EX2 4QD
David Beasley - Devon County Council - 01392 382558 - - -