Welcome to Hemyock Wednesday, July 03 2024 @ 03:28 am UTC

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1.Welcome Our New Rector!
The parish church of St Mary's Hemyock has held the service to welcome their newest Rector Rev Canon Rebecca (Becky) Totterdell to the Upper Culm Valley Mission Community. Rev Totterdell had previously ministered at Exeter Cathedral.The service taken by the Bishop of Crediton, The Rt Rev Jackie Searle saw a ...
2.Benefice Away Day
Becky and the ministry team invite all church members to join the PCCs in a Benefice away day on 8 Feb. We will be thinking about our calling as churches in this Benefice, especially about how we can reach out to our communities with the good news of God’s love for them. ...
3.Val Retires After 10 Years As Sacristan At ...
At the end of the 24th November morning service at St Mary's church, Hemyock Mrs Valerie (Val) White was presented with a beautiful floral bouquet by Jenny Doble, a Churchwarden.Thanking Val for her 10 years service as Sacristan David Bawler, Churchwarden announced that following the retirement of Val the post would ...