Welcome to Hemyock Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 07:43 am UTC

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451.Hemyock Singers News
Many of us were delighted to be able to join in the carol singing organised by the Friends of St Mary's for the Festival of Trees in Advent. Accompanied on accordion by our Musical Director, Ron White, numerous well loved carols were sung before the group walked to the church ...
452.Advance Notice - Concert
The Salamanca Band & Bugles of The Rifles. In concert at St Mary's Church, Hemyock. Saturday 11th July at 7.30pm. Tickets £6 Contact Patricia Fuller 01823 680352 for further details. Proceeds to The Friends of St Mary's and The Royal British Legion. More details to follow.
453.Hemyock History Group Latest News
The February meeting of the history group will be a talk by Rev Ron White in the Church Rooms on February 11th at 7.30pm The March meeting will be a talk by Mr David Pugsley in the Church Rooms on March 11th at 7.30pm