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601.£100,000 Promised To Improve Local Infrastructure
At Wednesdays Mid Devon District Council planning committee meeting the Churchill’s Farm housing development was given the green light. Hemyock Parish Council was represented by its Chairman Heather Stallard who was there to put forward the views of local people who had deep concerns about the lack of sufficient infrastructure. ...
602.Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fisherman
Thanks to everybody who sponsored my Midnight Madness walk in aid of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen.
To all those going to Denmark on Saturday with 1st Hemyock Scouts - have a great trip
604.Hemyock History Group
The next meeting of the Hemyock History Group is this coming Thursday 14th May, 2009 in the Church Rooms. The meeting will include a talk about Military Insignia and Regimental Identification, Badges etc. Please bring along any examples of such Regimental badges.
605.Just A Thought!
Mindful of the current financial climate, The Parish Council has been considering sites which might be used for Allotments. One such area was the ground to the rear of the garages at Millhayes.
606.Thank You
Blackdown Merrymakers would like to thank everyone who attended our final New Years Eve Party and for making it a great success. The draw raised £261 which has been donated to the Help for Heroes Fund.
607.St Mary's Redecorated
Following the service to celebrate Pentecost (Whitsun) at 11.15 am on Sunday 11th May the Parish Church of St Mary's will be closed for a period of approximately 5 weeks whilst the interior is redecorated.
608.Mary Waldron Trust
This fund exists primarily to help students in higher and further education, with the purchase of their books and equipment, by making discretionary grants. It is managed under the auspices of the Local Authorities and the Charities Commission.
609.From Revd David Sherwood June 2009
On the 27th of June, the Diocese of Exeter will celebrate its 1100th Anniversary. Originally, the area now covered by the Diocese's of Exeter and Bath & Wells, was the Diocese of Sherbourne. But by the early 900's Christianity had spread so far into the West Country that two new ...
610.Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
On behalf of the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal can I say a hugh thank you for raising £1862.48 a staggering £424.19 up on last year. There were over 200 people at this years Remembrance Service with around 20 at the War Memorial on the 11th.
612.Computer Course
If you thought chips and bytes were something you got at a café – think again! This year, we’d like to offer a selection of useful computer courses – but we thought we’d ask you, rather that tell you, what the courses are. All the courses are open to any ...
613.Important Archaeological Finds On The Churchill's Farm Development
Hemyock Annual Meeting for all who live in the Parish of Hemyock. Find out what is happening in and around the village - current plans and recent achievements. Ask questions and listen to interesting speakers.
614.Somerset Hills Chorus
The Somerset Hills Chorus will be in concert at St. Mary's Church, Hemyock on Friday 24th June at 7.30 p.m. Tickets are £6 and are available by telephoning 01823 680317 or 01823 680436 or at the door. Tea/coffee will be available during the interval. All proceeds to for the Friends ...
615.St Patrick's Dance
Irish Night 19th March
616.Fostering Fortnight
Devon desperately needs more foster carers - could it be you? Check out the national Fostering Network or DCC website for further details.
617.The Just 10p Project
The aim of the Just 10p Project is to raise funds for educational projects in Uganda by inviting people to donate Just 10p. Many of you will know that Brian and Sheila Pretty make regular visits to the Kisoro region of Uganda to help with a variety of projects. The ...
618.Concert - Tonight
Tonight, Maundy Thursday, Hemyock Singers, conducted by Ron White, will be presenting 'Requiem' written by Bob Chilcott. The concert will begin at 7.30p.m. and last around 35minutes. Soloists will be Jenny Doble (soprano) and Glyn Jones (tenor) with Nigel Atkinson as organist. Admission is free but there will be a ...
619.Culm Valley & Bampton YFC Charity Entertains Re-run
Culm Valley & Bampton Young Farmers Clubs Present a Charity performance of their Entertains productions. To be held at Tiverton New Hall Sunday 2nd March 2014 Performances to begin at 7.30pm Raffle & Refreshments Entry £5 Everyone welcome, more the merrier!! For anymore information contact Emily Vallis on 07545185147
620.Samariton’s Purse Christmas Shoebox Appeal
"It's the best shoebox in the village!" he shouted. The pens and paper meant that the 10 year old would at last be allowed to go to school. Louis's box contained his first ever toy car. His eyes lit up. He was 6 years old and this would probably be ...
621.Scrabble Club
Scrabble Club Is continuing on the 4th Tuesday in each month
622.Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Many thanks to all those who donated boxes to the above appeal.This year we sent 82 boxes plus two very large bags of hats, gloves, scarves and matinee jackets and donations totalling over £70. Over the Christmas period please remember that in another part of the world your gifts will ...
623.Longmead Management Group - Notice of AGM
Notice of Annual General Meeting: To be held in the Longmead pavilion at 8pm on Monday 7th June 2010.  All are welcome.
624.Everyone Welcome
Following on from the Everyone Welcome course organised by the Rev David Burton during the Autumn a meeting is to be held at the Church Room tomorrow, Thursday 31st January, at 7.30pm. It will be of particular interest to all Church Council members, Sidespeople and folk who would wish to ...
625.Mothering Sunday
Come and celebrate this special day with a short family service at St Mary's Church at 11.30a.m and get a specail gift for Mum
For around 23 years John Bimson has lovingly cared for the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Hemyock. To mark his retirement a painting of his house by Brian Doble was presented by Deputy Warden David Bawler at a recent service. Speaking on behalf of the church Mrs Mary Beal, Warden, ...
As of 1st January 2009, BHaam (Blackdown Hills Artists and Makers) are renting the old Tennis Court site in Hemyock. We hope to make this an inspiring and exciting space in which all the community can participate and we look forward to creating some highly enjoyable and thought provoking events.
628.Important Notice - Changes to St Mary's Services
Changes to services at St. Mary's, Culm Davy, St. Andrew's and All Saints. We are making changes to the pattern and times of services held in the churches of the Benefice.
629.Hemyock Singers Spring Concert
For over 30 years Hemyock Singers have given a concert in the week leading up to Easter. This years event, 'Nelson Mass' by Haydn will take place at St Mary's Church on Thursday 21st April starting at 7.30pm. Admission is free and there will be a retiring collection in aid ...
630.Bishop Bob at St Mary's
Sunday 11th March - 11a.m. - St Mary's Parish Church - Upper Culm Valley Mission Community Joint Eucharist Service wth Suffragan Bishop of Crediton, Rt Rev Robert Evens. All are warmly welcome. Please note earlier time of service