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Search Results

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211.Christingle Service
Late on the afternoon of Sunday 7th December the Church was almost full as people of all ages joined together to sing carols at the village Christingle service conducted by Rev David Sherwood. The history of the Christingle was dramatised by youth members from Hi-zone and the Tower Room Club, ...
212.Bishop Bob in St Mary's, Hemyock
As part of the Exeter Diocese 1100 anniversary celebrations, the Cullompton Deanery has held a service of Confirmation which was attended by a large congregation. Held at the parish church of St Mary's, Hemyock on Sunday evening (24th May) the service saw 10 candidates being confirmed by the Rt Revd ...
213.Temporary Traffic Order
Click here for details of road closure 14-18th December - Penn Cross - Combe Hill
214.Around Hemyock - Jan 07
Daniel Twyford, a 10 year old pupil at our primary school, is becoming well known locally for his photography with a number of his pictures displayed at the Surgery. Last year he won a competition in Exmouth and 10 of his photos have been purchased with a view to turning ...
Hemyock Cricket Club's Autumn QUIZ NIGHT is being held at the Parish Hall on SATURDAY 28th SEPTEMBER starting at 8 pm. £60 cash prize for the winning team, plus a grand raffle. Entry is £18 per team to include nibbles. Licensed Bar. Minimum of four, maximum of six members per ...
216.Burrowbridge Gardening Club Visit Hemyock
For their July evening outing the Burrowbridge Gardening Club met at Newtown Farm, Hemyock, the home of the Ward family. After travelling through heavy rain to get there, we were amazed to find that at Hemyock it was a dry and pleasant evening.
217.Longmead Sports & Fun Day
Sunday 22nd August from 2.30pm An afternoon of fun activities for all ages, including: basketball, boules, football, tennis, walk& talk, yoga.  
218.Fred and Jonah
Fred Bear was delighted to attend the monthly Family Service at St Mary's Church with his friend Rev John Stone. Fred took great delight in meeting his many relatives and other cuddly friends who had brought along their humans to enjoy the day. One of Fred's oldest and smallest relatives ...
219.Christmas Shoeboxes
Just a reminder that if you are filling a shoebox full of goodies to be taken to Moldova by Christian Response to Easterm Europe for Christmas it needs to be at 4 South View by Nov 9th. Please leave n back porch if no one at home. Many thanks.
220.Annual Parish Meeting a great success
The recent “Annual Parish Meeting” at Hemyock reflected the confidence which the Council and its community have going forward.
221.Hemyock History
The first meeting of the new year for the History Group is a talk by Tom Harris on 3000 years of the History of Bells plus related culture and art.  The meeting is in the Church Rooms at 7.30pm.  Come along for an interesting and informative evening. 
222.Mollie & Robin Stallard at the Royal Albert ...
Mollie and Robin Stallard recently performed in the 2009 Schools Prom in front of an audience of 5,000 at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Mollie, aged 12, plays bassoon and Robin, aged 12, plays double bass. They played the Allegro from Mozart's Sonata in B flat major, and were ...
223.Devon County - Tough Choices
Below is a note from Devon County Council Public transport review To help meet the £50 million budget reduction required by Government spending cuts next year, we now face making savings of £1.7m from our annual public transport budget. It will be the first time that we have proposed making ...
224.Unveiling of the Pump
Don't forget the unveiling of the Pump - This Saturday 24th October at 2.30pm
225.Training in Computers at the Blackdown Healthy Living ...
We are running some courses for complete beginners to learn how to use computers. We will be having an open afternoon on Thursday the 17th June between 2:30 and 4pm at Lower Millhayes. You are invited to come and have a look round our new training facilities, and discuss with ...
226.The late Revd Malcolm Beal
Almost 300 people including Bishop Richard Hawkins and many clergy gathered at St Mary's parish church, where extra seating was brought in, for the funeral service of Revd. Malcolm Beal which was conducted by Revd David Sherwood. Family and friends had travelled from as far afield as Canada and the ...
227.Chance to Exhibit in Uffculme "FibreFest"
Exhibitors are being sought for Fibrefest 2007 this autumn.The plans for the fibre showcase at Bridwell Park, Uffculme, in September, are taking shape, and the deadline for exhibitors is Wednesday, May 30.
228.Activities at Healthy Living Centre affected by flooding
Due to the flooding, many people are unable to get to The Blackdown Healthy Living Centre. As a result, some activities will be cancelled. Please contact your respective group organiser for more information. Cameo Club will be closed Monday 30 April, to avoid putting our volunteer drivers and members at ...
229.Around Hemyock.... June 2010
Many people have expressed their shock, disbelief and even anger on reading in the last issue of the Pump that our four churches will, in time, be served by a half time Priest. Whether you are a regular churchgoer or not you will be aware of the work carried out ...
230.Possible Village Allotments
Would all those who have expressed an interest in having an allotment please register this interest in writing, if they have not already done so, and as soon as possible. The address to send it to is: The Parish Clerk, Mrs A Kingston, Fourways House, Hemyock, EX15 3PF
231.The Trinity Singers Entertain
A musical evening of fun and variety...............
232.Churchills Farm Planning Application - The Parish Council ...
Having received the formal Planning Application for the proposed development of the Churchills Farm site, the Parish Council arranged and held an open meeting to discuss it.
233.New Members Welcome for Community Land Trust
Applications are currently being invited for membership of the Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd. Membership confers voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and other general meetings of the Trust. The Upper Culm Community Land Trust Ltd is an open membership, not-for-profit organisation – anyone who lives in the ...
234.Couple End 40-Year Fundraising Mission For Children's Charity
After more than 40 years of fundraising, a Hemyock couple have decided it is time to take a break. Brian and Margaret Wheaton have raised £22,058 for the Cullompton and Exeter-based charity Vranch House, which provides physiotherapy for children with significant physical difficulties.
235.Churches Pulling Together in the Blackdowns
Following a meeting of church leaders in Dunkeswell on Wednesday 18th November, a new ecumenical group has been formed covering the Blackdown Hills and representative of all the main denominations. Springing from an initial idea by Steven Reed, Pastor of Hemyock Baptist Church and co-sponsored by local Anglican Vicar David ...
236.Gloucester Old Spot Salami!
Connoisseurs have been praising the quality of Gloucester Old Spot pig for decades. But now they have another way to enjoy it. Hemyock Farming couple Clive Counsell and Donna Lucking have developed Gloucester Old Spot salami – and it's proved an instant hit with their customers at farmers' markets.
237.Samariton's Purse Shoebox Appeal
'The Power of a Simple Gift' is the heading on the leaflet sent out by this charity and how true it is. During the years I have been organising the collection for Samaritan's Purse thousands of shoeboxes have been sent from this area to children caught in the midst of ...
238.Agenda for meeting on 26th January
Click here for agenda for Longmead Management Group committee meeting on 26th January at 7pm 
239.MDDC Local Plan Review
H emyock Parish C ouncil MDDC LOCAL PLAN REVIEW Thank you to all of you who came to the meeting last night. Here are the links you need to make your comments to MDDC. The deadline for comments is 24th March 2014. The options consultation and associated documents are available ...
240.Longmead Management Group AGM & Committee Meeting
Longmead Management Group is holding its AGM on Monday 29th June at 7pm click here for agenda Following the AGM there will be a Committee meeting - click here for agenda