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Search Results

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91.Jesus was a businessman says Bishop
“People don’t realise that Jesus spent a number of years in business before making himself publicly known in ministry” said Bishop Bob Evens when he spoke at a Hemyock Men breakfast recently.   “As a carpenter, Jesus understood what it was to have bad suppliers, late payers and miserable customers” he ...
92.Good Turn Out For Monument Run
The Blackdown Hills were alive to the sound of pounding feet on Sunday as 193 runners tackled the 24th Wellington Monument Bert King Memorial Road Race. In mild weather conditions the Taunton-based club Running Forever took the John Cooksley team shield. Taunton AC, who had held the shield since 2003, ...
93.Thought from Rev David Sherwood
Over the past few months the three Parochial Church Councils have been looking at the pattern of services in the Benefice.
94.Blackdown Community Choir
The Blackdown Community Choir will be giving a free concert at Wellington Arts Centre on Sat 6th December at 7.30. Everyone welcome. All donations to this year's chosen charity - Devon Air Ambulance. The bar will be open!
95.Hemyock History Group Latest News
The talk on the 8th April will be given by Bob Musgrove on the story behind Inn Signs and the talk on 13th May by David Greenfield on Brunel's work in the SW. On 11th February Ron White spoke on "In and Out of Africa". He outlined the work he ...
96.Around Hemyock - Nov 06
The village were shocked to hear of the death of 3 year old Erin Thompson following a car accident in which her father also died.Her brother Jack, 4 years was also involved but was not badly injured and is now at home with his mother Jilly and partner Simon at ...
97.Neroche Conservation Volunteers
Can you help to improve and care for wildlife habitats across the Blackdown Hills? The Neroche Conservation Volunteers are a new group who meet on the second Wednesday of each month and are really keen to welcome new members.
98.Christingle Service
Late on the afternoon of Sunday 7th December the Church was almost full as people of all ages joined together to sing carols at the village Christingle service conducted by Rev David Sherwood. The history of the Christingle was dramatised by youth members from Hi-zone and the Tower Room Club, ...
99.Erection of a 50kw wind turbine at Highlands ...
You may be aware of the planning application currently being considered for a large wind turbine to be erected just outside Hemyock. The proposed turbine is very tall at over 34 metres - this is two thirds the height of Wellington Monument, or about the height of an 11 storey ...
100.Around Hemyock - Jan 07
Daniel Twyford, a 10 year old pupil at our primary school, is becoming well known locally for his photography with a number of his pictures displayed at the Surgery. Last year he won a competition in Exmouth and 10 of his photos have been purchased with a view to turning ...
101.Copper to Judge Christmas Lights
The Christmas lights are going up outside several homes and business premises in Hemyock as the annual competition run by the Parish Council gets under way.
102.Longmead Sports & Fun Day
Sunday 22nd August from 2.30pm An afternoon of fun activities for all ages, including: basketball, boules, football, tennis, walk& talk, yoga.  
103.Annual Parish Meeting a great success
The recent “Annual Parish Meeting” at Hemyock reflected the confidence which the Council and its community have going forward.
104.Burrowbridge Gardening Club Visit Hemyock
For their July evening outing the Burrowbridge Gardening Club met at Newtown Farm, Hemyock, the home of the Ward family. After travelling through heavy rain to get there, we were amazed to find that at Hemyock it was a dry and pleasant evening.
105.Training in Computers at the Blackdown Healthy Living ...
We are running some courses for complete beginners to learn how to use computers. We will be having an open afternoon on Thursday the 17th June between 2:30 and 4pm at Lower Millhayes. You are invited to come and have a look round our new training facilities, and discuss with ...
106.Chance to Exhibit in Uffculme "FibreFest"
Exhibitors are being sought for Fibrefest 2007 this autumn.The plans for the fibre showcase at Bridwell Park, Uffculme, in September, are taking shape, and the deadline for exhibitors is Wednesday, May 30.
107.Mollie & Robin Stallard at the Royal Albert ...
Mollie and Robin Stallard recently performed in the 2009 Schools Prom in front of an audience of 5,000 at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Mollie, aged 12, plays bassoon and Robin, aged 12, plays double bass. They played the Allegro from Mozart's Sonata in B flat major, and were ...
108.Activities at Healthy Living Centre affected by flooding
Due to the flooding, many people are unable to get to The Blackdown Healthy Living Centre. As a result, some activities will be cancelled. Please contact your respective group organiser for more information. Cameo Club will be closed Monday 30 April, to avoid putting our volunteer drivers and members at ...
109.Churches Pulling Together in the Blackdowns
Following a meeting of church leaders in Dunkeswell on Wednesday 18th November, a new ecumenical group has been formed covering the Blackdown Hills and representative of all the main denominations. Springing from an initial idea by Steven Reed, Pastor of Hemyock Baptist Church and co-sponsored by local Anglican Vicar David ...
110.Possible Village Allotments
Would all those who have expressed an interest in having an allotment please register this interest in writing, if they have not already done so, and as soon as possible. The address to send it to is: The Parish Clerk, Mrs A Kingston, Fourways House, Hemyock, EX15 3PF
111.The Trinity Singers Entertain
A musical evening of fun and variety...............
112.Gloucester Old Spot Salami!
Connoisseurs have been praising the quality of Gloucester Old Spot pig for decades. But now they have another way to enjoy it. Hemyock Farming couple Clive Counsell and Donna Lucking have developed Gloucester Old Spot salami – and it's proved an instant hit with their customers at farmers' markets.
113.Around Hemyock.... June 2010
Many people have expressed their shock, disbelief and even anger on reading in the last issue of the Pump that our four churches will, in time, be served by a half time Priest. Whether you are a regular churchgoer or not you will be aware of the work carried out ...
114.Couple End 40-Year Fundraising Mission For Children's Charity
After more than 40 years of fundraising, a Hemyock couple have decided it is time to take a break. Brian and Margaret Wheaton have raised £22,058 for the Cullompton and Exeter-based charity Vranch House, which provides physiotherapy for children with significant physical difficulties.
115.Samariton's Purse Shoebox Appeal
'The Power of a Simple Gift' is the heading on the leaflet sent out by this charity and how true it is. During the years I have been organising the collection for Samaritan's Purse thousands of shoeboxes have been sent from this area to children caught in the midst of ...
116.Hemyock WI - August & September Update
The June meeting was held in the Forbes Lounge on Tuesday June 5th. Cindy Jefferson chaired the meeting in the absence of Lyn who was unavailable. It was a lively meeting with Daphne telling members of the interesting county events, taking orders for calendars and diaries and gathering names of ...
117.St Mary’s Fete
The organisers would like to thank all those who helped or supported St Mary's Church in any way to make the day a success despite the atrocious weather. £1663 was raised which was only £150 below last years figure.
118.From Ray Radford, Your County Councillor
It is that time of year again, we have just got over Christmas and the new year, and now we are in budget time, having to fix the Council Tax. As I am sure you already know, all Local Authorities collect the resources (Formula Grant), they need to run the ...
119.For one night only... The Hemyock Indian Take-Away!
On Friday 3rd April, at 35 Longmead, Hemyock, curry enthusiasts Simon and Jilly Ould are turning their house into an Indian take-away for the night! Choose one of 5 curries, rice, vegetable side-dish and Onion bhaji included in the price.Tickets available at Hemyock Spar, suggested donation of £5 per adult. ...
120.Band Hits Right Notes in Contest
A young band from Hemyock has narrowly missed a place in the final of a battle of the bands competition. Dicentra came third in heats for Somerset County Council's Battle of the Bands contest, held at the Somerset College of Arts and Technology, in Taunton, on January 6. The competition ...