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St Mary’s Guild - Dec 06 & Jan 07

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Archived Stories On Wednesday December 6th, Members of St Mary's guild met to enjoy their
Christmas Party which proved to be a very pleasant afternoon.

After participating in a light hearted Christmas Quiz, we enjoyed some festive
fare including Mince pies, Stollen and mulled wine - scrumptious.

From Revd Sherwood - Dec 06 & Jan 07

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Archived Stories At this time of year the number of people visiting Lapland increases tenfold. There are now regular flights to this icy outpost of northern Europe and many families take the opportunity to visit 'Father Christmas'. It's a sort of seasonal Disneyland for children of all ages to experience the magic of meeting Santa Claus on his home turf. In fact, the idea of travelling to Father Christmas's home is so popular, that it was one of Jimmy Saville's most requested 'Fix-its', even back in the days when there were no direct flights. Being able to grasp
tangible evidence of what Christmas is all about seems to be so important to people, that they are willing to pay what amounts to the cost of an annual holiday to go there. The problem is - this isn't what Christmas is all about.

Carol Singing

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Archived Stories We invite anyone who would like to join us to meet at the Pump on Thursday 21st December, 6pm Young and old - all are warmly welcome!

Around Hemyock - Nov 06

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Archived Stories The village were shocked to hear of the death of 3 year old Erin Thompson following a car accident in which her father also died.Her brother Jack, 4 years was also involved but was not badly injured and is now at home with his mother Jilly and partner Simon at Mill Leat.

What a joy it was to see members of 1st Hemyock Scout Group proudly carrying their new flag into St Mary's for a blessing recently and to see them, along with the Brownies, honouring the Fallen at our Remembrance Sunday service. The parish church was almost full for this service and the act of everyone placing a petal on a poppy outline followed by the reading of the poem 'In Flanders Fields' was for many most moving.

New Flag For Scouts

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Archived Stories The cubs and scouts from 1st Hemyock (pictured) paraded the new Cub Scout flag to the morning service at St Mary's Church, where it was blessed by the Rev David Sherwood who conducted the service.

70s Style For Hemyock Singers

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Archived Stories Hemyock Singers tread the boards once again this autumn with a fast moving and witty production of the musical comedy play 'Crazy Capers Dodgy Deals', written by Chris Goy and Dave Ross.

Tennis Club - Sept 06 Update

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Archived Stories We've been at Longmead for nearly 12 months now and all the members, both old and new, have enjoyed playing on the new courts.  Our membership has increased substantially and the Club has been very pleased to welcome so many new members.

Parish Council Minutes - Jul & Aug 2006

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Archived Stories Public Question Time

The following matters were raised before the meeting by members of the public attending:

At Longmead: sewer problem, car parked over manhole cover in car park for months last winter, slow progress over childrens play area. (Mr Lowman).

Parish Council Minutes - May & Jun 2006

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Archived Stories Public Question Time

28 members of the public attended the June meeting to discuss the application submitted by Hemyock Baptist Church to provide a mobile classroom in the grounds of the Church.

Mike Eastick from Upper Culm Twinning Association asked whether the Parish Council would give their support to the twinning being made official.

John Churchill enquired why County Council had spent money digging out and tarmacing the landing on Lemons Hill.