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Keyboard Wanted

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Archived Stories St Mary's Church, Hemyock are in need of a portable keyboard - mainly to be
used for Choir Practices. If you have one spare or hiding away unused please
contact Ron White 681020 or revron@btinternet.com

Chairman Heather Visits the Queen

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Archived Stories

A devoted Hemyock community worker got to meet the Queen when she collected her MBE last month.

Heather Stallard went to Buckingham Palace with son Guy and Neil and daughter Margaret and said it was 'a day to remember.'

From Revd Sherwood - Feb & Mar 07

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Archived Stories In the media and in conversation with others I am hearing a constant refrain - the complaint that we now live in a 'nanny' state. It begins with surveillance cameras. If you drive on certain roads, visit any town, city or even railway station your presence is noted and recorded. I suppose the argument for their use is based on the need for national security and they have been useful in bringing dangerous people to book. But even so, many see this as an intrusion, an infringement of our privacy and human rights. But it doesn't stop there - farmers complain of the satellites reporting back to the government on how they are keeping their livestock and what they are growing in their fields. If we have a 'sat-nav' in our car or tractor we can be tracked and when road pricing comes in they will know where we are at any given time of the day.

Hemyock Lead

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Archived Stories Surprise package Hemyock lead the way in the Stones Tennis League despite losing their last match to Bradninch 5-4.  Hemyock are five points ahead of second-placed Willand but the two-times champions have a game in hand.

Fantastic Fund-Raising For Air Ambulance

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Archived Stories A charitable chap from Hemyock has given £2,500 to Devon Air Ambulance.  Lionel Bugg, of Hollingarth Way, Hemyock, has been fund-raising and banking donation boxes for the air ambulance for more than 10 years and his 2006 efforts raised £2520.49

Storm Batters Hemyock

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Archived Stories Storm 'de-fences' were no good against the gale force winds which struck in Hemyock on Thursday.  Little was left of Janice Bawler's back fence after the storm had calmed at the end of the afternoon. The wind ripped out two panels, leaving a clear view through to her neighbour's garden.

No Signs Of Hemyock Rust

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Archived Stories There were no signs of rust in the Hemyock U9 camp after they beat Brixington United 7-1 in their first game for a month. With Liam Travers and Dean Blake running things, they tore the defence apart to go 4-0 up at half time.

Around Hemyock - Jan 07

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Archived Stories Daniel Twyford, a 10 year old pupil at our primary school, is becoming well known locally for his photography with a number of his pictures displayed at the Surgery. Last year he won a competition in Exmouth and 10 of his photos have been purchased with a view to turning them into jigsaw puzzles.  Well done Daniel!

Parish Council Minutes - Oct, Nov, Dec 2006

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Archived Stories 4th Oct, 1st Nov & 6th Dec 2006

Matters Arising

- Re state of road at South View, Mr White of MDDC had visited and found no problem. Query whether he had even visited the right road. To be followed up.