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Search Results

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391.Thank You
For around 23 years John Bimson has lovingly cared for the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Hemyock. To mark his retirement a painting of his house by Brian Doble was presented by Deputy Warden David Bawler at a recent service. Speaking on behalf of the church Mrs Mary Beal, Warden, ...
392.Flats in the middle of the village?
The Parish Council has received a Planning Application to put a block of flats on the old tennis courts.
393.Flats in the middle of the village - ...
About 120 people attended a meeting in the Parish Hall, called by the Parish Hall Committee to discuss the proposal to build a block of flats on the old tennis courts.
394.Cheyenne's Coffee Morning
Saturday 11th May Cheyenne's Coffee Morning with bring and buy stall at 4 South View - 10am - 12noon. Look forward to seeing you
395.The Church Clock
Many in the Parish may have noticed that the church clock is not registering the time. It has to be repaired! Although the clock is under the care of the Parish Church this is part of the treasure, which belongs to the whole Parish. A Honiton clock maker originally made ...
396.Summary Of The Longmead Field Meeting Held 14th ...
Play area A sign stipulating ‘do’s and don’ts’ was needed before the playground could be opened. This should be ready in about two weeks time. ROSPA required that the play area be monitored for damage and hazards to children. Trim trail The lottery fund bid had failed. It was agreed ...
397.Donations of books.
Donations of books are requested for a book sale run by the Rotary Club of Wellington District. The Club is planning a re-run of its successful Book Sale from Saturday 14th to 21st April, aiming to raise money in support of Wellington Young People’s Centre and other Rotary charities.
398.Christmas Fair
This Saturday, December 1st, at the Parish Hall, 2.30 - 4pm St Mary's church annual Christmas Fair Cakes, books, teas, tombolas, mulled wine, raffles, Culm Davy stall and more...... plus Father Christmas hopes to be there. We hope to see you there as you support your parish church - photos ...
399.Upper Culm CLT Members' Meeting 9th April 2013
Summary notes of the meeting of Upper Culm CLT Members held on 9th April 2013, including an update on progress, a report on the Gathering of CLTs held at Norton Sub Hamdon on 27th March and suggestions for future projects for the CLT to investigate.
400.Temporary Traffic Order
Click here for temporary traffic order - WHITEDOWN CROSS TO SHACKEL CROSS, HEMYOCK
401.Hemyock Church Rooms
St Mary's Church Rooms can be hired for parties or regular bookings. Private Functions only £8.00 per hour Regular Bookings £5.50 per hour
402.Phil Offers To Clean Hemyock Homes!
Phil Maclean is living up to his name by spring cleaning his home village of Hemyock on Sunday week. Phil, 31, and a team of friends are offering to spruce up people's homes to raise money for charity in memory of his late wife, Lynsey.
403.Are you prepared for the snow?
There is a warning of snow on the way. Are you prepared? If you follow this link to the DCC Emergency Planning Newsletter you will find sections of interest to help you prepare. http://www.devon.gov.uk/ep_newsletter_dec10.pdf If the snow does come, please check on your neighbours, especially the elderly. Let's plan for ...
404.Hiring the Church Rooms
St Mary's Church rooms can be hired for parties or regular bookings.
405.From the Ringing Room at St Mary’s
About 6 years ago we welcomed the first ringing bride to the ringing room. Tower captain Lin Holway and her daughter, Emily, rang together before Emily's wedding. Now we have had the first ringing bridegroom. Our latest learner Tim Barton only started to ring last autumn, and we were delighted ...
406.St Mary's Summer Fair
MUSIC, MUSIC, MUSIC is the theme of St Mary's Summer Fair. The annual event is to be held on SATURDAY 10TH JULY from 11am - 4 pm at the Recreation Field. Special guest of the day will be CHIEF GBOBANUYI OF OKITIPUPA who will open the event wearing his resplendent ...
407.Norman Leighton
It was with great sadness that Hemyock Singers heard of the death of Norman Leighton just before the Pump went to press. Norman was a fine musician specialising in the violin. Prior to moving to Hemyock he had been invoved with numerous chiors and orchestras. As a past Musical Director ...
408.Christmas Competition Results!
Many thanks for those that dressed their houses and business premises and made Hemyock look festive. Click here to see results. Winners will receive their prizes shortly.
409.From Revd Sherwood - Dec 06 & Jan ...
At this time of year the number of people visiting Lapland increases tenfold. There are now regular flights to this icy outpost of northern Europe and many families take the opportunity to visit 'Father Christmas'. It's a sort of seasonal Disneyland for children of all ages to experience the magic ...
410.Longmead Open Day
Everyone was invited to the Longmead Open Day on the 22nd August, the first of its kind to showcase the many facilities on the field, which have been developed in the last few years with the Founball Foundation and the Parish Council. It was helped along by the Bottle Top ...
411.Mince Pies at Halifax House
To thank you for your business, we will be serving mulled wine and mince pies from 11am until 4pm on Friday 19th December & Monday 22nd December.
412.From Rev David Sherwood
As I write, the death toll in the Haiti earthquake has risen to two hundred thousand and is still climbing. Like you, I am shocked by the devastation of this natural disaster and stunned by the misery and chaos being heaped upon a nation already burdened by poverty and depravation. ...
413.Can you help our Church in 2010?
St Mary`s Church is for everyone in Hemyock. It is always there for the big events of life like weddings and funerals and also for quiet thought and contemplation. It is there as a landmark and symbol for the village. But although it`s there for everyone, not many contribute to ...
414.Hemyock Queen's Diamond Jubilee Photo Competition – now ...
  As part of the Jubilee Celebrations, we are having a photo competition. It covers past and present royal occasions.  Entry is open to non-professional photographers.  Cash prizes. Entries close at midnight on June 29th, so get snapping!  Entries will be posted on hemyock.org after the competition closes and  can ...
415.Ash Wednesday
At the start of Lent a short service of Holy Communion will be held at St Mary's at 11.30 today with a service at 7pm at St Andrews, Clayhidon and All Saints, Culmstock at 7p.m
416.UPDATE: Affordable Homes in Hemyock
Thank you to those who have registered with the CLT their interest in the proposed twelve affordable homes on the Culmstock Road, Hemyock. Eighteen families, couples and individuals have done so.
417.UPDATE: Cricket Tea Makers £40 per match - ...
UPDATE: We now have only two dates remaining: Saturday 18th May and Saturday 29th June , if you would like to join our group of tea-makers, we pay £40 per match to include the cost of ingredients. Teas consist of sandwiches, savouries such as sausage rolls, and cake. Please contact ...
418.St Mary's
Worshippers from St Mary's will be joining other from Clayhidon, Culm Davy and Culmstock for a joint service of Holy Communion at All Saints parish church, Culmstock on Sunday 30th June. The service, to which all are welcome, will begin at 10.30a.m. This will be the only service in the ...
419.Notice of Election
Please find attached Election Notices from Mid Devon District Council Click here for Notice of Election - District Councillors Click here for Notice of Election - Parish Councillors Click here - nomination pack
420.Temporary Traffic Order
Click here for details of road closure 14-18th December - Whitedown Cross - Shackel Cross