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631.Horse Race Night
Is on Sunday 23rd August at The Catherine Wheel 8:00 start, proceeds to Hemyock Cricket Club.
632.Strawberry Tennis Afternoon
Our Strawberry Tennis afternoon was not rained off! We had a very pleasant afternoon in an American Tournament, with partners drawn out of a hat, which Julie Steed and Jerry Popham won. Then we adjourned to the Pavilion where Ann Langford and Sue Lambert had organised a slap-up tea with ...
Don’t forget the Annual Parish Meeting this Thursday (19 th April) in the Parish Hall at 7pm. There will be various displays around the hall and the following speakers:-
634.A special service
Sunday 29th April will see a special service at St Mary's church at 6.30p.m taking an informal Iona style form of worship which will be led by Rev. David Burton. All are welcome. The morning service will see the churches of Hemyock, Culm Davy and Clayhidon joining All Saints, Culmstock ...
635.St Mary’s Guild - Apr & May 07
Members met as usual in the Church Rooms at 3pm on Wednesday, February 7th. There being very little business of the day, Christine introduced our speaker Brenda Calcraft, who entertained and enlightened us with her knowledge and practical demonstrations of patchwork.
636.Are you interested in a trip to Cardiff?
There is a planned shopping trip to Cardiff on the 1 December leaving Hemyock at 8.45am and departing Cardiff 4.00pm.
637.Hemyock: centre of the Universe
Hemyock's status as the centre of the universe was confirmed today as the International Space Station flew overhead.
638.Blackdown Community Choir
The Blackdown Community Choir are now recruiting. Men especially welcome! We sing a variety of light music including African, Folk, Gospel, Chants etc. We meet on Wednesday evenings at Courtfields School Wellington. The ability to read music is not necessary, but you must be able to hold a harmony part.
639.British Trust for Conservation Volunteers Prize winners
David and Meg Palmer of Lower Mackham Farm, Hemyock were recently presented with an award by the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers. They spent time at the Country Living Christmas Fair in the atrium of the Business Design Centre, London before the evening presentation
640.Council Meeting
The Parish Council will hold a meeting on Wednesday 23rd October at 7.30pm in the Forbes Lounge, Parish Hall to discuss the recent planning approval for planning application 12/001498/OUT - Old Station Yard Site - erection of 8 dwellings and 4 employment units. The council will consider if it wants ...
641.Remembrance Sunday
Over 200 people filled the parish church of St Mary's, Hemyock for the annual Remembrance Sunday service raising over £550 for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
Once again the Upper Culm Valley have responded brilliantly to an appeal - this time for writing equipment for refugee children in Syria. Around 2,000 individual items have been received along with over £60. To the 5,000 children being taught in groups of 100 and have no equipment and staff ...
643.Harvest Festival at St Mary's
The annual village Harvest Festival service will take place at St Mary's on Friday 19th September at 7pm. This will be followed by a bring and share supper in the Church Room.
644.Poppy Appeal
Once again this year due to several helpers retiring I am appealing for volunteers who can spare a few hours to help with the Poppy Appeal street collection. The collection will be from 31st October - 14th November. If you can please contact David Bawler on 01823 680352.
645.Heritage Day Cycle Ride
This years ride will start at St Mary’s Hemyock at 10am Saturday 10th Octoberand take in many of the churches of the Culm Valley.
646.New Village Notice Boards
There are now three village notice boards in Hemyock located at the Parish Hall, the entrance to Longmead and adjacent to Millhayes Hall. The additional notice boards at Longmead and Millhayes were erected in response to increasing village activities and the need for publicity. The Parish Council hopes that these ...
647.Vandalism increase noted
Hemyock has always enjoyed a low crime rate, but of late the number of acts of vandalism and anti-social behaviour are on the increase.
648.Pavements – we need them, but who owns ...
Hemyock Parish Council has negotiated with some residents to give up property frontage in order to make way for pavements. This ongoing project is proving successful and very popular. It has also become normal for planners to make the provision of pavements outside properties part of their consent on major ...
649.50 Years of Scouting
Do you remember Ron 'Skip' Lowman, Baloo and Rikki? Sunday 17th October will see both past and present members and supporters of 1st Hemyock Scout Group worshipping at St Mary's Church as they celebrate 50 years of continual Scouting in the village. The service will start at 11.15a.m. and an ...
A special craft session for children will be held at St Mary's Charity and Coffee Shop (Church Room) on Easter Saturday 10 - noon. Have a browse amongst the stalls then enjoy a coffee and cake whilst the youngsters work on their masterpieces. Enjoy the early morning with a Sunrise ...
651.Marriage - It's Official
The official twinning with the region of the Jumelage des Grees and the Upper Culm Twinning Association took place in France recently (24th May 2008). Hemyock and Clayhidon were united with the French villages of Anetz, Pouille, La Roches Blanche and St. Herblon. View slideshow
652.Calendar Girls at Torquay
Here is an opportunity to see a London Production of the successful stage version of the Calendar Girls at Toquay. There is a coach leaving Hemyock at 5pm on Saturday July 10th 2010 There are just 3 seats available as we go to press. More details from Sandra on 01823 ...
653.Annual Parish Meeting
Just a reminder that the council is hosting the 'Annual Parish Meeting' in the Parish Hall at 7pm Thursday 15th May. Find out about Culmstock's Parish Plan - Does Hemyock want its own Parish Plan? Cosmic Ethical IT will be explaining about superfast broadband Come along and meet your councillors. ...
654.WI News
January's meeting was unfortunately cancelled due to the bad weather, but the Reading Club at Cindy's was well attended and members were made welcome and enjoyed their Birthday meal at the Catherine Wheel. In February the group were shown how to make felt, and some have gone on try this ...
655.Culm Valley YFC Funday
Culm Valley YFC are holding a funday in aid of charity, Chicks On Sunday 18th August At Whitehall, Hemyock EX15 3UQ By kind permission of Colin Spiller Commencing at 11.30am with - Duck Race, starting 12noon, first race 12.30 **PRIZE MONEY FOR THE WINNERS** - Mens and Ladies Tug of ...
This popular group will be starting rehearsal for their Christmas concert on MONDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER, 7.30pm at the Baptist Chapel. No voice auditions are held so why not come along and join us - we're a small friendly bunch who sing for an hour, enjoy a coffee break and then ...
657.Parish Meeting 2007
19TH APRIL HEMYOCK PARISH HALL 7pm The Hemyock Parish Council invites you to the Parish Hall for a presentation by Mr Jonathon Guscott, Senior Planning Officer for MDDC
658.Unique Footpath to Go?
There has been a raised footpath near the Culm River at Hemyock for more years than people can recall. It has meant dry feet for many when the river flooded and its features have been a unique welcome on the road into the village from Wellington.
659.Poppy Appeal 2007
Thank you to all the collectors, businesses and Hemyock School for their support in raising a record £1483.80
660.Remember Our Neighbours
Happy New Year from your Parish Council. Most of us are fit and healthy and are enjoying the snow. Some of our neighbours, especially the elderly, may view this weather with trepidation – not being able to get out to the shops, not having their friends or family come by ...